you didn’t asked me. patch is not okay. i’m not goons either.
Nor me either, I dont like this update, it is game breaking for me, also not all miners are always afk when mining, I never go afk when mining not even to go to the bathroom, so sick of everyone saying every miner mines afk, not saying there isnt miners who do I never have never will
CCP will be happy when your credit score matches your IQ! Bottom line Freaks!
CCP will be happy when your credit score matches your IQ !
You know that isn’t how that works at all right? When someone buys Plex, they are buying an item that has already been bought from CCP, and furthermore, it has been bought for more money than just paying for Omega for a month. Not only does CCP make money when someone Plexes their account, they make MORE money than if that person had just bought Omega with a credit card.
Considering the proposed changes to mining, I have to say I’m not impressed. Mining has gradually become a grind that is less and less profitable. Each update has made it harder and harder as a solo player.
Prior to the introduction of the specialised components to certain ship classes, I was finally able to build battleships and orcas. I was pleased that I had managed to skill up to the point of being able to be useful to other players. However, it was a short-lived venture. The component requirements significantly increased the costs of building the ships, but also significantly increased the time to construct as it took more time to be able to generate the isk required to purchase said components.
Then you decided that some of the minerals were no longer available for me to access, that I would have to hit lowsec and null at significantly increased risk, and if successfully mined, a high likelihood of not being able to transport the materials back to my manufacturing systems. This meant having to purchase from the market, and spending time transporting.
What these suggested changes say is that there will be a marked increase in time just mining ore, with the waste element probably meaning having to potentially travel to multiple systems to acquire the same amounts that I could acquire before.
As things stand I have to say that I may be mothballing my mining ships for the forseeable future. This is no longer an enjoyable experience and I see no reason to acquire plex, or even pay for a subscription for this game anymore.
Thank you @CCP_Rattati @CCP_Dopamine . Please do not step back ! You will see it wil work in long term … this update will save new players from big industrial corporations herding facilities …
Since these new players in ventures will not serve as a cheap labor for their profit anymore… i am hopefull that new players will have higher cahnce to make better isk in other area of interests when they start game… before they fall into these corporations nets…
i wonder how this will take effect on rookie help channel.
It does not matter as long as you’re not the idiot who payed real money for PLEX.
In the meme’d words of CCP Rattati, ‘Solo [moon] mining is not a God given right.’
I want to see the rarity and value of gas continue to rise. Even with a waste mechanic the doubling of ore amounts in sites makes the venture and prospect too isk efficient to put through wormholes relative to their mass.
Barges can have near perfect safety with Higgs rig fit align mining (rig nukes total speed yet ship is now aligned to a bookmark/celestial and traveling slow enough through a large gas cloud to remain ready to warp).
Once again, the choice to fit a Higgs rig on a barge for this ‘type’ of safety choice impacts its mass, thus impacting wormhole operational scalability. Others may forego yields yet still take procuers for their ability to still fit the gas hoarder modules–still have combat bite even with the loss of two mid slots.
Exactly the same way we deal with items dropping when a ship explodes.
50% of items do not drop. There is a 50% chance per item for it to drop.
Thus, when you mine a unit of ice, there’s a 34% chance that another unit is wasted. And that calculation is done per unit of ice extracted, with previous events having no bearing on each subsequent calculation.
The concern with this is that it takes a let’s say ~50m isk Procurer and turns it into a ~450m isk Procurer. There’s no sense in that, none at all. Not only in terms of ROI (anyone want to work out the number of hours of mining you’d have to complete to catch that, I simply cannot be arsed), but also in terms of the risk you’re taking putting it on the field - losing a 50m Proc sucks, but losing a 450m isk Proc SUCKSTHEBIGHAIRYONE.
But at least it’s only just over doubling the cost of a Skiff!
Giving someone one barely reasonable option and one ridiculously stupid option isn’t giving them a choice.
They’re barely 250m for what it’s worth. It’s still stupid, I grant, but let’s get our prices right lest we let those who argue against us focus on the wrong things…
Amusingly, the ships those people fly and the ammo that they shoot and the drones that they regularly leave behind all come from somewhere…
At least when I tried it, the compressed product is placed into a reprocessor for 100% recovery.
So at ~1m ISK per hull, and let’s be conservative and say 19m ISK worth of fitted items to it, we’re talking 20m ISK per coercer. 400m ISK total for your fleet of 20.
To destroy a ship that’s easily worth 2b, more like 3b if well fitted and full of resources. Let’s say it has 1b ISK worth of items fitted to it/in it, one can reasonably expect 500m of it to drop.
Instantly worth the risk for your Coercer fleet, who gain 100m per event, whilst each Orca pilot loses 2m ISK plus. I’m surprised there are ANY Orcas in highsec by those calculations.
Seems fair.
Yeah, no they McFucking don’t.
Dear CCP after a lot of testing on sisi focused the Compact Industrial Core i got some conclusions. The idea of a Siege module on the Orca have a lot of potential, but not in the current state, Why?
The Mining foreman Burst bonus cannot justify the use of the module because 15% it only reduce a few second of cicle time and it doesn’t make worthy the masive risk of standing still for 5 or even 2 minutes with a +3B ship -
The Orca needs a cpu and power grip improvement because thanks to the Remote Repair Impedance and the fact that you can’t escape if you got caught you only rely on your defenses that if can’t withstand a considerable amount of damage for a considerable amount of time to allow your allies to come to rescue well you gonna die, so you need bigger and better defensive modules like a X-Large shield booster and a Heavy capacitor booster to be capable of survive an attack and adding Command shield burst bonuses to the CIC will help -
The bonuses given by the CIC to the Orca damage output capabilities are very attractive because this make it more of a threat against small groups, but the thing is now when someone see an Orca they will know what can do now so if that group wanna kill it, they will use the heavy guns make it even more importan a defensive improvement
The addition of the CIC change the playstyle make it a more interesting ship not only for its original purpose (point it out that its original purpose was a mining command burst ship) but even for a more PVP perspective but there are problems that needs to be addressed to make it something functional that worth the risk
Very sad, but I agree. They are catering to those who have nothing better to do than give other people a bad day.
Are you seriously comparing an EXPLOSION vs Plasma Cutter extraction ?
Think again. It doesn’t make sense.
By your logic if i go to the Dentist for a tooth extraction I may end up with 4 adjacent teeth and half my face missing. I’m very glad we ain’t living in a barbarian world anymore. Imagine now in EvE how advanced their technique for extracting without damaging must be!
I actually have been working with a Quint Booster Fleet Command Orca.
If you want to see something scary on the field…that is something scary.
That ship if boosts are change will become a really powerful fleet booster asset…probably not in the way CCP was intending it to be.
Think on it you can fire off all 3 boosts of the same type + 2 of another. Or Go with five seperate boosts with powerful synergistic ability.
This is one of the major flaws of CCPs line of thinking…simplistic hammer and nail approach…where as the player base is using the whole toolkit to do the same job simplistically vs. efficiently.