Sorry This will be long
And so it Begins.
Soo… this is the end of Scarcity eh…
Removal of all basic materials from R4 moon ore, finalizing the plan of removing basic minerals from moons
Hs now has no Mexallon faucet because you’re removing T1 from the r4 moons while Pyrite is at its all time high… good call.facepalm
Doubling resource quantity of Ore’s in asteroids belts
Doubling Ore in space is neat… but we’re going to end up back to before really quickly if you don’t watch it. Just because cap’s are “decoupled” from T1 mats doesn’t mean you can flood the mat market and expect it to go well long term. mining waste will help but as the dev blog said most is done with t2 plus mining crystals\lasers. so 35% loss of the 2x bonus. not bad actually oh even better 100% waste of drones! but most high end miners might switch to Faction if they go cheap enough. but I doubt it. faction is far too expensive even before these changes probably due to supply though. Can we condense high sec T1 ore belts while we’re at it? 100 pebble sized rocks is mighty irritating.
Increasing the resistance profiles of all exhumers Increase the base HP of, and adding mid slot to, Covetor and Retriever
nice but HOW THE ■■■■ AM I SUPPOSED TO USE THAT MID SLOT WITH NO ■■■■■■■ CPU AND PG?! Yes they added a small amount but it’s far from enough. Also they removed some cap because CCP “Balance”
Adding new gas harvesters for all mining barges and exhumers
nice but I’m not sure how useful it’s going to be unless it’s near 2x a venture’s yield. That’s a huge cost difference even from Prospect to T1 barge nowadays.
“Removed the role bonus for the gas cloud harvesting yield”
Oh… I see how they’re balancing it now… BY NERFING VENTURES. Ventures don’t mine gas anymore friends! Barges now took their place… Yupp… your whole Gas fleet is worthless and needs to be replaced with a fleet that costs literally 8x more give or take for what’s very likely going to be the same or similar yield. Scarcity! cough cough i mean Prosperity!
Proc - 2 mid + 1 low, - 1k shield - 500 structure - 60 reduction in velocity
oh and your nerfing the proc into the ground… Awesome… Nice way to sneak those in there CCPlease.
Adding compression for Gas and Moon mat’s
Thanks for the Monkey Paw compression changes… we get Gas and Moon compression but now lose 10% in Citadel’s. great… another 10% off the 2x bonus for the average player. skills for compression… really… da ■■■■ ccp… come on your just trying to use some of those 13m you’re giving us aren’t you.
Hoarder: gets a 30k gas hold and relevant bonus, Kryos: gets a 30k ice hold and relevant bonus, Primae: gets a 10k ice hold and 10k gas hold
So the Primae is still going to be completely ignored and you’re removing our t1 mineral carrier… Why? Why not pull the pi from the epithal and give it to the Primae, give it a command center bay so it can know… Do its job? And leave the damn Kryos alone? At least it has a purpose… The primae is just going to be ignored again. What’s the point in changing it in the first place? 10k isn’t even enough to use, unless it’s got DST levels of tank but less skill’s. There’s ZERO reason to use a Primae still. Edit: oh and theres no Bpo’s on market so why even change this in the first place?!
Core Temperature Regulator: Water changes from 2500 to 1250
Capital Core Temperature Regulator: Integrity Response Drones changed from 150 to 100, Self-Harmonizing Power Core changed from 150 to 100
Enhanced Neurolink Protection Cell: Genetic Safeguard Filter changes from 200 to 100
So after 6 months this is what you have to fix the industry changes you broke. Ok, it’s going to be at least 2 years before caps are in a usable state again for anyone that can’t support 5B plus in losses
I’ll try and end it, this is long enough. In short, by removing T1 mats from R4 moons you’re going to create another mineral sink. Mexallon was a huge bottleneck before I suspect it’s going to become one again. Gneiss is the only great source of it after these changes from my knowledge. I could be wrong as I know it comes from other Ore types but Gneiss is a huge source at least in wh space.
Pyrite is going to keep going up. There isn’t going to be enough Scordite in highsec to supply it, period. And by nerfing Rorq’s further you make mining hard to accomplish. With all the Moon rocks and everything you’ve been adding over the years the dial is T1 rocks not Rorq income… How can you STILL not understand this. RORQ INCOME IS DETERMINED BY ORE IN SPACE. YIELD IS JUST A FACTOR OF MAN HOURS.Yes you decoupled T1 caps but you have to watch SERIOUSLY watch how much T1 mats are coming in from where. Because Nullsec has effectively infinite if you give them anomaly’s back, we learned this with Rorq’s pre scarcity.
Minus the sneaky hiding of some pretty major doctrine nerfs like the Venture it looks good overall (pretty shitty by the way, just list them. Also nerfing the venture isn’t going to do anyone any good; they only exist to huff gas and newbro mining just give them that) It’s a slow start to what needs to be done. But at least it’s starting.
i hope a CCP member reads this as this is where were told to put feedback. so please do. @CCP_Rattati @CCP_Dopamine
Edit: i forgot to touch on mining Waste… the only issue i have with his is T1 is 100%? dafuck? and T2 drones are also… 100%… again… dafuck?. sure have it… but like… 100%… for real your going to double the belt then half the mineable material by using mining waste… i get it a reason for T2 stripper to exist that isn’t more yield… but your numbers are messed up.