No, there literally aren’t. There is no situation that exists where more miners are slower than fewer miners regardless of their skill points. Maybe they don’t get participation points, but then those types of ops aren’t for the benefit of the individual miner anyways.
As a miner, I would agree the orca is not overpowered comparing its yield to cost, its durability however certainly is a pretty overpowered
I’m glad you’ve never run into this. I know I have, as have others in corps I have personally been part of.
Eve is a cutthroat game, where even the slightest advantage is sought. Many, MANY corps operate on the principle that you will do the max, or they don’t want/need/accept you. I will say that I think this is horribly wrong, and why I choose to be solo today. But neither of our opinions will change the simple fact that a great number of players (and corp/fleet leaders) are not accepting of low returns.
Again, if you’ve never seen it, then I’m extraordinarily happy for you. I wish every new player goes through their experience without running into this. The players I’ve come to know over the years have most definitely seen it, and the fact that so many folks on this thread immediately pointed it out to be a problem would seem to reinforce the fact.
you can bet it’s going to be camped to all hell with this change. Think of it the only WAY to get 0% waste now will be from Faction module that cost currently 400m on the market ? HAHA High demand = People willing to take monopoly of that High demand , there could possibly be a new war over the control of ORE npc lp store, i wouldn’t be surprise. It’s null sec afterall , if it was in HS there wouldn’t be that issue.
Agreed, and Princess Aiko is going to have hundreds of new converts.
Hell, CCP just basically reinforced the entire SAFETY/CODE line of rhetoric, because miners at lower skill tiers will actually be wasting resources - literally.
So HS ganking will increase (because of more expensive modules and more “Role Play” rhetoric) and null attacks will increase because it’s now more valuable than ever to blow up a miner.
Thanks, CCP.
Oh my god, can we please stop calling it “AFK MINING” what are you suposed to be doing to not be considered AFK when mining ? dance around with your Orca ? TRUELY AFK mining as you put it would be BOTTING cause those asteroids doesn’t target themselves , those drones don’t seek out new asteroids as salvager drones would , you need a target for it to go mine , so there’s nothing “AFK” about that
if you can afk mine it, you can bot it…
how else would you call it? Mining while you are not behind your computer, mining while playing a different game?
yes they are used , it’s an amazing ship and for solo mining it’s better than a barge / exhumer cause of that massive eHP and HUGE cargo hold, and on top of that the SOLO mining is on par with an UNBOOSTED skiff, perfect.
just FYI if people really wanna make solid isks they would turn to the rorqual, 1 rorqual is the equivalent of 7 Orca , buying 7 orca costs more than 1 rorqual. If they could fly in HS that is all you would ever see fleets of 10-20 rorquals decimating belts from systems to systems
Which is why they are nerfing it because they are not supposed to be able to do that
sounds more like you are manufacturing it as an excuse to be a solo player in an MMO
You can bot literally anything in this game. But by no means is Orca AFK mining in HS being used for RMT. THAT is my point.
Refers to a number of different things that some push as fact with nothing to back it up with other then their personal view.
Well there is a counter to is…
…don’t compress, many have not been compressing due not structures nearby that allows for it.
As I see it the loose in compression due to efficiency is out weighted by the fact you no-longer have to haul to structures to compress. And if you’re using t2 mining modules that loose by compressing is out weighted by the extra resources you will gain over what you currently have on the live server.
The ones that will loose out are those that aren’t willing to take the risk to use T2 or better, as they will only mine what they currently mine now after update
I feel a lot aren’t getting what bonus they are getting, and as for the Rorqual it’s a meta that for years has been called to be changed, only those that have been milking their benefits are complaining about the reduction of mining rates.
call it mining simply ? what is the difference between an exhumer mining and an Orca mining ? The interaction that the exhumer have to do because his Ore Hold / Cargo Hold is full , so it has to jettison or warp out ?
The Orca doesn’t have that limitation of cargo space so it can stay way longer in that belt , therefor what else is an Orca suposed to do while waiting for it’s drone to destroy an asteroid ? If i start looking at the market or the star map or whatever , will you consider that AFK aswell cause i’m not currently looking at my ship ? If i have a second monitor and i look at a stream (my eyes won’t be on my Orca monitor) will it consider me being AFK at this point ?
Nope, it took quite a while for me to come to this conclusion and go solo. I didn’t have to, and actually don’t have to. This did influence my choice, but was far from the only factor involved.
None of that is really relevant tho - just go ahead and scout the thread. This is an issue, and one that will get worse with these changes.
Apparently they don’t want you watching netflix while you mine peacefully with low reward in HS. You must be 100% fully engaged at ALL times. And because this is a MMO you can never do anything by yourself. Buddy system at all times!
The real issue with this is that the rorq is not the only ship/play that will get nerfed. In HS where there are a ton of places to compress and you can’t even fly a rorq, we’ll also get hit by the nerf. In Low, when you can hop into HS to compress, we’ll get hit by the nerf.
If the want to nerf rorqs, then do it. I don’t really do null, so I can’t say if that’s good or bad, but the consensus seems to be “it needs to be done.” Make them (and orcas) mine drastically less by nerfing the living crap out of mining drones. The compression nerf is just punitive.
That means you can respond to for example a gank at which point I will not consider it AFK. As you did not leave it unattended. Orca is not a big problem but just flat out denying that it does not happen is wrong too. Also again an orca should not be having a higher yield compared to even a barge in my opinion. Same counts for the rorqual not being better then exhumers. They are command ships and fleet support ships. Not miners
some people will take you at your word and won’t realise it was sarcasm sadge
Psst @Ramona_McCandless did you see Rattati’s interview on A quote from the great man himself:
“We have to find the purpose of Rorquals as an aspirational goal”
Oh and another on Reddit:
It’s almost as if I had a point?!