From Extraction to Production

According to the MER, mining is already through the roof and almost back to pre scarcity levels. I wonder how that will work out after net more ore enters the cluster.


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Yeah I noticed that, was rather surprising.

shhhh dont say that too loud, the narrative that mining is worthless is supposed to reign supreme

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I very strongly disagree with you. Think of it carefully think of it. and Put yourself in the shoes of an Orca or Rorqual pilot.

the Porpoise is 80mil which is also an industrial fleet support ship. at that cost it’s safe to take ANYWHERE in space , hs , ls , ns , wh.
Orca is 2bil unfitted, does the same role as the Porpoise (except slightly better boost and bigger cargo) it’s not safe to take anywhere else bu HS because of it’s slow speed. the only way to make it out alive if you see a gank is having 2 mates webbing you so you can “instant” warp out… 25 times the price of a Porpoise.
Rorqual is 8bil unfitted, does the same role as the Porpoise (can compress ANYTHING , better boost than orca , way bigger cargo than the orca, it’s safe in ls,hs because of it’s massive eHP and drone capability and rorqual pilot are mostly shielded by sups and caps umbrella). 100 times the price of a Porpoise 4 times the price of an Orca

You want them to just sit pretty in a belt and not be able to mine, at all? This will just encourage and enforced the need to multibox another or more accounts so for a solo player can make uses of those ships then.

At those price Porpoise is the clear winner. The second winner is the Rorqual (which is the issue of all of this mess btw) cause it’s literally the equivalent of 7 Orca for the price of 20$ per months instead of 140$

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Jackpot. CCP and PA want $140/mo, not $20/mo.

I forgot to add the obligatory disclaimer: This isn’t wrong of CCP or PA, and it isn’t unexpected. They just need to be honest about it.

Orca yield is not better than retriever.

Doubling of ice belts? Anyone? Also that is most likely because the ice data might be out of date and too high per unit price compared to what it actually became.

You do know I am a rorqual and orca pilot I hope? Also MWD trick anyone? They are boosters, they are great at boosting, they are also great at clearing rats and on top of that they are great haulers for ore. So in fact I have two orca/rorqual pilots. One to just boost and clear rats and one to just haul. Perfectly happy with it.

The saddest part about that is that the interview was just posted and he say “have to find the purpose”. Meaning that a week after they posted this Dev Blog, they still don’t have a purpose in mind.

Why make sweeping changes with no roadmap or goal in mind?


wait… So you WANT them to be boost bots now, you using your SINGULAR account to sit on a site to be a boost bot and nothing else now ? Why , did you make so many Isks from your Rorqual that you have become bored out of the game cause there’s nothing else to thrive for ? That’s quite hypocrite of you then isn’t ?

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Ummm maybe I am in a corp of industry people who actually use the boost that are not botting? Where was I saying I am boosting bots? You are putting words in my mouth now. 10/10 quality argument


I mean by your own definition of the word “AFK mining” , same does apply for “boost bot” are you Actively monitoring your screen and engaging with your ship to make sure you are giving the 120% efficiency of your boost to your fleet mate ? LOL

BTW the term boost bot / aura bot, is a common slang it doesn’t imply you are using a “third party” to automate a task. it simply refer to instead as “you are dedicated to a singular role which is to give bonuses to others”

Can we get a modulated miner II that doesn’t require training astrogeology V? That would be enormously helpful for frigate mining so they can take advantage of the new crystals.

with people dumping 40k m3 in your fleet hanger every minute, yeah you are actually actively engaged and on top of that always gotta pay attention to local chat, intel channel and all. So yes I actually am actively monitoring my screen :man_shrugging:

I think this update is on par with what CCP has been doing for the last 5 years…Not listening to players…
We all knew CCP was dumb. We all thought CCP learned their lesson from the BO debacle, but it does look like as if they havent learned anything…


Okay but that is you right ? Not everyone is YOU. I for one am the CEO of my small corp of me and few friends. I am the only Orca pilot in my group, We don’t own a station, We don’t own a POS, (that would make us eligible for wardec) how the F is a small corp suposed to defend themself against wardec? a SINGLE vet living in null could just wardec my corp for years on end just for the heck of it to kill it’s boredom. I’m trying to make a living here , i’m trying to have fun. So taking away the Orca mining is not the right call. You wanting them to remove the Orca mining is hypocrite and very priviledged.

The only ship that really deserve an insane reduction in mining is the Rorqual, Orca imho is fine as it is. With the changes they going to make to the Orca the only issue i would be having with it then would be the MINING DRONE VELOCITY, because they changed the belt shape / size they are so distant now , and you are locked in place now… the MINING DRONE VELOCITY ain’t cutting it anymore.


I don’t think you should nerf Ventures and T2 variants in regards to gas mining, seems unnecessary. Mining barges they would have to get into are in no way entry-level mining ships for new players, removing this bonus from these frigates destroys gas huffing in wormhole space with them, something that was not broken to begin with and gave new players who ventured into wormhole space the alternative, as well as veterans the alternative without having to invest in more expensive, easily gankable ships.

These choices should be made by individuals who have lived longer in wormhole space rather than individuals from null sec with no interest in WH space as the changes have far-reaching consequences that seem to have been made by someone who was unaware of the function of these ships, the ability to cloak and travel with a large gas hold is actually essential to survive, as well as maneuverability when going down chains carrying a full ore hold of gas, this sort of activity should not require an entire fleet for logistics or a cloaky hauler to accomplish, nor should you become an easy target when you are already spamming dscan for over an hour straight while huffing gas in the weekends. I’m sure there was a better way to accomplish whatever CCP was trying to accomplish with this change specifically.


I would not say my corp is big(it is not and I own it together with my friend) and the only reason we survive is because we pay rent. Nothing is stopping your corp from doing the same. Does not make me priviledged, just means I use the resources at hand. So either you are doing something horribly wrong or we are doing it very well somehow despite not even being setup properly yet. Also the CIC is not worth using period. So you will not be locked in space with your orca.

After some testing on SiSi, please see my results/feedback:

  • List item The Traits tab of ships are not updated on SiSi, therefore the Mining Barge/Exhumer skill bonuses cannot be validated against your released spreadsheet. Would be nice to have a full-blown deployment to SiSi so we can see all the changes in TEST.

  • List item Rorquals can dock and tether while compressing, even though the Attributes tab says they are denied. So what is the intended result, so we can test?

  • List item Introducing 38 compression modules for the Rorquals and 28 for Orcas is excessive and illogical. Have 4 modules for the main types (ore/ice/gas/moon ore), even if the compression values will differ based on what the pilot is compressing.

  • List item The new skills, BPOs and modules are not seeded on SiSi, so how should we test all functionalities?

  • List item The introduction of Compression, Compression Optimization and Specialization skills for each type is again a bit excessive, but manageable. However, apart from the Optimization skill the rest don’t give any bonuses at all, other than allowing the module to be used. Add a slight bonus to them to offer a reason to train them to 5.

  • List item The above is especially true for the Specialization skill, which not only doesn’t give any bonuses, we only need it at level 1 for the Tech2 module. If there was a bonus assigned to it, it would encourage pilots to train it to 5.

  • List item The compression modules should set to work from the Ore/Ice/Gas Holds, instead of the Cargo Hold, or alternatively you should increase the base cargo sizes drastically. Ships have refits, charges, depots etc in their cargo holds, it’s not feasible to shuffle around everything just to accomodate the limitation you have put in with the new modules. Similar to how fuel can be consumed from both Fuel and Cargo holds, surely it is possible to enable ore to be loaded from the Ore holds.

I will test further, but please push all updates, Traits, attributes, skillbooks, modules etc to SiSi to allow proper testing by the community.


i am starting to look forward to amazing fleets of mining ships fit with bad crystals to go mine out someone elses belt or moon. makes so much more sense than mining your own efficiently , or bringing combat ships to just kill your oppenants in the field ( if they dock up, no miining happens, and only takes 1 guy to keep them docked up) Does CCP really think we are going to industry attack our enemies with mining barges? Almost as realistic as the giant reserve bank fleets that never materialized because there was more isk to be made by simply selling the keys.

Quit building game mechanics and “balancing” based on highly unlikely scenerios