From Extraction to Production

@CCP_Rattati @CCP_Swift and anyone who will read this

I’ll start with the Orca… the compact industrial core is a real liability without it’s own version of an invulnerability core.

Industrial cores should be split in a fleet support version and a drone support version. As I envision it, fleet support(negative drone bonus) will be better overall but the drone support(negative fleet bonus) still supports solo play(aka older meta). Add new mining foreman bursts for mining drones(not sure if this is possible) so solo drone miners are expending similarly to fleet supports. Adjust the porpoise to where it kind of does both but not like a specialized orca. Since I’m a high-sec carebear, I have little idea on how this will work with rorquals.

I get the waste mechanic and not really bothered although I do want to point out what freebie ship you give to every newbro to help them get started and maybe consider a starter system wide modifier for said ship to reduce it.

The crystal consolidation I’m on board with also.

I haven’t look to hard at the frigate changes but hope to get a feel of where those are going too.

I’d like to see the compression modules pull from and drop to the appropriate material hold. My time to compress did not seem at all bad but I’ve run an Orca and a barge

Also, maybe even add fleet/corp access tabs to the material holds.

I believe some of my ideas create new and different conflicts for the moment.

I’ll close with… Have you considered introducing a few counter bursts? Mwahahaha


I like that. More often than not you’re solo mining anyway at least in HS, on SiSi at least the roids are so far apart that it’s way too tedious to position the Orca in a good spot to mine , so instead of command burst module equipped i added drone link augmentors for the range, with a range script that give 120km drone control 121km of targeting range , perfect for those ugly belts now.

With this “Mining Industrial Core” could get the 125% bonus mining and MINING DRONE VELOCITY that we desperately need with the changes to belts.

This. in HS it’s not as dangerous as in ns or ls , but then again in HS you have way less intel than in ls and ns… with 5 min “locked up state” if you see a known ganker group showing up in local , it’s already too late. At least with this you’d have a chance.

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Deep in CCP HQ:


When are we going to get any answers at all???

Why do the venture and prospect no longer get bonuses to gas harvesters?? There is no way this can be an intended change.

To get good stuff you need to invest time or isk to get it.

Eve isn’t an instant reward game, there are 100’s of MMO’s that already do that and haven’t last 1/5 the time eve has been running for.

In the past I multiboxed two accounts, one orca pilot and one exhumer pilot. It’s not the best setup, to be honest if you are using the pre-nerf orca, you really need at least two exhumer pilots for it to be worthwhile as far as plexing the accounts goes. For me having 3 accounts is too much of a click fest.

With the incoming nerf to the orca, it would just make more sense to sell the orca and just fly two mackinaws to be honest. The orca pilot is going to be sitting there making such a small contribution, it just isn’t worth the quicker cycle time for one exhumer in my opinion.

I was hopeful that there was going to be something good that was going to come to mining. So far I only see nerf to rorq/orca, less tank on the exhumers, loss on compression. The only positive is a bigger hold on the mackinaw. You might as well just destroy the hulk and skiff, what would be the reason to fly them? (As a semi-solo player)


Food for thought

Today tried to keep up with this forum - which got me thinking.

What if -

Instead of adding the waste mechanic as purposed - astroids/ice as mined would create clouds of dust/shards/gas. These clouds would be harvested by Mining Frigates, Mining drones, and the Rorqual Drones. They would have a two to three hour life span before despawning (basically like wrecks).

1: Provides an activity for new bros, and lower skilled pilots to assist in gaining 100% yield of a belt. - They won’t be shunned from fleets for lack of skills or causing loose of ore (creating the waste).
2: Provides an activity for Industrial Command Ships to still harvest resources, while also providing compression and boost to the fleet. They won’t be competing with the barges and exhumers for astroids, and prevents them from being used as solo miners.
3: Barges/Exhumers (or a ship with mining lasers) would be needed to create the clouds.
4: This creates a symbiotic relationship between needing barges/exhumes and/or mining frigates/expedition frigates and/or industrial command ships to achieve 100% yield on belts.

Numbers (just an example, I’ll leave the fine tuning to the developers)
Units harvested : Units sent to the cloud
T1 strip mining lasers 2:1
T2 modulated strip mining lasers 4/6:1 or 1:4/6, depending on the crystal tier and if they want to have more yield for themselves or send more to the cloud to be harvested by support ships/frigates or go to waste after despawn.
Faction strip mining lasers 8:1

Having a ratio that always sends units to the spawned cloud, guarantees that not barge/exhumer pilots have ore to gather as well, but is lost if support ships are not there to harvest.


Even with compression, yield is still higher with Tech 2B crystals. And you don’t even have to compress. You can trade or reprocess locally. The fact that you’re not even considering doing so demonstrates the exact problem with lossless compression. There is no meaningful choice with regards to the logistics of ore.


Better not to touch anything, otherwise you will be left without players CCP.


But the moduled strip miner II doesn’t require astrogeology V: I don’t think you’re understanding my point. There should be a modulated miner II and a modulated deep core miner II just like there’s a modulated strip miner II and a modulated deep core strip miner II. But right now we only modulated deep core miner II so if you want to use crystals in a mining frigate it takes way longer than in a mining barge.

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I had a thought along these lines years back after mining in Elite Dangerous. Its basically the same idea where lasers break off pieces and drones collect them.

Stop right there you criminal scum. (lol j/k)
Seriously Elite Dangerous mining is no bueno, they had multiple iteration and drastic changes made to it and it’s still not good enough. Closest thing to EvE mining (which imho is the best form) is Avorion… You can make drones that you deposit in a sector and will mine asteroids for you , or you use your laser and mine the rocks yourself.

Let the Rorq dock in athonors would be a nice plus consistent with a return to primary purpose being mining boosting ship.

sure, It’s not like we warped on each other in anomalies with the BRM being 100+%, and now at 40% I can find only the escalation farming afk-multiboxing characters.

What do you mean with locally? Locally in the system where you mine? Because every system where you can mine is suitable for production. Even in Delve, you have to move the ore from most mining places at least one or two jump gates to a suitable production place. In high sec and low sec it is much worse to even get to a production place at all because you don’t have jump gates and you would have to bring other materials in from other places, which creates even more effort and cost that you cannot put on top of the end product price because someone will always be producing cheaper than you, even if you MIMAF’d your mined ore. Meaningful choice, don’t make me laugh. That you don’t consider travel effort at all demonstrates the exact problem with compression with losses. Compression with losses takes away meaningful choice because you are now stuck with either laboriously moving bulky ore around in null sec (nothing changes in high sec) to a suitable production place (because you can’t have Tataras and Azbels in every system (because cores and unwanted spam) or with losing ore.


  • By CCP Ytterbium 2014-03-20

Okay. So i’m going to try to lay this out as best I can. No TL;DR, i highly suggest you read through it all. @CCP_Rattati

I think most people will agree the state of mining and the economy was ludicrous with 2016-2019 rorquals (Even after several rounds of nerfs that the community was BEGGING CCP for but literally took YEARS to change a few percentages, this is important, we’ll come back to that).

Rorquals being nerfed is GOOD. Rorquals being basically useless IS NOT. Compression in it’s current state is beyond tedium, it’s basically punishment. You want to tell me that after spending 10 hours on your weekend mining this R16 goo so you can fuel your corp structures and maybe make a bil profit this month from this moon till you can mine it again next month, you now also have to sign up for a week’s worth of full-time shifts just to compress a fraction of that goo? at loss if you’re not perfectly skilled of course. That is beyond absurd punishment, downright sadistic if i’m given the liberty of a slight exaggeration perhaps.

Or is it though. When rorquals were buffed, during the skill injector era, some people injected 20 at a time and made absurd amounts of wealth that they held on to to this day, some trained one, I personally didn’t mine at the time, but i used to. I eventually got on the train after the second round of nerfs in 2018 i think it was and it was alright income, nothing too fancy, but decent for the price. But i would notice that if i wasn’t mining gneiss or high value moon goo, i’d be doing better spinning an ishtar. THAT is not good.

I used to mine pre rorq buffs with an offgrid rorq booster and 10 mackinaws in nullsec, i built capitals from the ore i mined, even built a super out of a pos (3 years into the game iirc that felt like a massive achievement). It wasn’t THE BEST income, but it was good income and it scaled well and it felt rewarding, the effort of getting more alts setup, industry backbone etc worked. Rorquals broke that mechanism fairly heavily.

In an effort to “unbrake” the mechanism we got scarcity, and the revamped industry changes for BS/Faction/Capitals. Scarcity is done and over behind us and there’s no rewinding that (I Hope, i’ll come back to that). And now the rorqual as the uber mining platform is dead and won’t be coming back. But. the industry changes meant to stem the absurd growth and ease of capital production because of rorquals, are still a thing. And I would argue, they have no right being in their current state, at all.

So here’s my suggestion. Undo the industry changes. It is ABSURD for T1 battleships to require the insane amounts of PI and reactions that they do. Faction ships making them require PI but no reactions is i believe a fair trade as they’re more ‘specialized’ and PI kind of fits into that theme doesn’t it? You’re adding hardware to a ship to make it do extra cool stuff.

Now for capitals. Capitals under no circumstance should cost 7 bil and 3 weeks of tedium + several freighters worth of PI, and reactions to build. It is flat out absurd. So here’s my idea, an idea that is both feasible for the small guy to get into, but will still somewhat limit the explosion of capitals for bigger ones too, ESPECIALLY now that the rorqual as a mining platform is done with. In addition, this will restore value to the highsec moons you just killed but i’ll get back to that.

Capitals should, in my opinion, require 20-30% of their material requirement in R4, R8, and a tiny bit of R16 reactions. Supercapitals should require ONLY level 4 PI + R32 and R64 reactions maybe, not too much, i don’t know to be honest. For capitals at least, here’s why, these material are mostly abudnant everywhere in eve, but not immediatly accessible, they are so abundant in fact they are in many cases not worth mining. This gives them value and strategic necessity, while allowing any group whether it be high, low, null, npc null, (maybe even wormholes if they import the R8 and R16), to build, their own, capitals from scratch with material that is obtainable, abundant, but not immediately extractable.

Adding a battleship sized barge/exhumer too is I think a very good idea that adds more progression to mining ships while giving additional extraction amounts to those willing to risk it. Perhaps give them a bastion like module that buffs their tank a tiny bit to survive rat spawns for example, but 33% more range and a 50% cycle amount / rate, w/e, maybe it should be something like, 1/2 what a rorqual used to be in terms of mining, but it’s not based on drones.

Anyways, BS, faction, and capital industry as they are now are too absurdly complex, I build T2 ■■■■ i’m okay with complexity, but the level baked into these seemingly core products is just flat out absurd and unacceptable, not to mention extremely expensive. + That is an insane amount of factors that affect the price/availability of these ships, and as I alluded to earlier, CCP is PATHETICALLY slow at iterating on anything. The way i laid out how I would like to see advanced industry gives them some levers, rewards players, doesn’t punish them, and is simple enough to be doable as a dedicated individual or as a well organized group of ‘just starting out’ individuals.

I was hoping for a return of the mining style pre rorquals, where building a capital felt like an achievement because of the effort that went into it. Now it is just tedium and mostly consists of setting up a buy order from jita and paying out the A** for shipping.

Which bringsm e back to my final point… UNDO THE ORE DISTRIBUTION BULLS*IT. Tweak the levels if you want, even if it’s half of what it was pre scarcity and double the respawn times, i think that’s still reasonable, ESPECIALLY WHEN THE PROBLEM (The rorqual) IS NO LONGER A FACTOR. Mining, proliferation, or any of that WAS NEVER a problem prior rorquals, the belts weren’t the problem. Rorquals were.

Now rorquals are gone, and belts are still PATHETICALLY worthless. AS in, I will make more and feel like i did more if i run level four missions on an alpha. That is simply not an acceptable state for one of the most foundational activities in this entire game.

If you reached this far, thanks for giving it a read.


This is eve-style complexity, which of devs should think about first. I dont think this is completely ok and ready to implement into game, but definitely something to consider.

If you had read my posts, you will have read that I disagree with the other changes. Also I have been playing eve for 5-6 years now. So I do get it, but the nerfs to the rorqual were needed. I fully agree with those nerfs and the nerf to the drones for the orca. The rest needs to be tweaked for sure

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I’ve been playing for 5 years and been involved in a range of different activities in EVE. Starting in HS, I spend a lot of time in LS, moved to null for several years and have day trips too and travelled through WH space. I keep up with the EVE news, watch YouTube vids and follow some streamers.

Yet I still have not heard anything about these referral codes.

Thanks, I always do take a look at the monthly report and I know they track many things, including the VOLUME of plex.

I said that I doubt they track each individual plex. They might, I doubt it is that important.

And I think it is interesting that people will jump to a point of view on a subject that is totally at odds with the available evidence, in this case assuming that plex are not bought by the player base but in this case spawned magically by CCP and stockpiled by the evil null blocks.

In my mind it is much more likely that CCP wrote off any loss associated with referral codes years ago and that plex is their preferred source of income for 2 reasons.

  1. They make more per account per month.
  2. A player buying plex is not limited to simply the amount needed for a month’s game play - that same player can buy as much as they can be convinced they need.

There for it is totally reasonably to consider a Plexed account to be making more money for CCP than a subscribed one.

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