I come looking for advice, some of which has probably been asked a million times, and some which might be pretty weird/unique. To give a little background (press start to skip this cutscene):
I have played Eve off and on for the past 15 years or so, and have probably somewhere around 200-300 hours in it (so, practically brand new). In my time playing it, I’ve played solo, with friends, and a little in a smallish corp doing simple mining and transport. And to clarify, I remember so little about how to actually play the game, I might as well be brand new. (It’s a safe assumption that I do not know what any shorthand in Eve means or stands for, the extent of my knowledge in that regard being things like RATTING and isk.)
Most of my time in it was stumbling around trying to figure stuff out, getting overwhelmed, and then finding something cool that reeled me back in and kept me interested. One of the things I remember seeing and hearing about back then was wormholes, and the idea of how they worked in-game always fascinated me. I think I did some dabbling in them, but remember practically nothing of it.
Fast forwarding to now, I am much quicker to learn, less easily overwhelmed, and even more into deep and complex games with lots of moving parts. Also space. I love space. I am the kind of person that preferred to play Eve, when I did, in a close up view of my ship.
I recently was re-exposed to Eve, seeing its new visual updates, and watched some videos of various people playing. One of the things I saw was someone that almost exclusively does solo wormhole content. I was enthralled, and entertained, but ultimately didn’t quite understand it all, as it wasn’t exactly a tutorial. So I did a little research, and honestly, wormhole stuff sounds awesome. The idea of the unknown, the risk, the reward, the exploration. I really, really want to try it out.
End cutscene.
Now, cutting to the chase. I love space games. I play/have played SO many: Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen, Freelancer, Stellaris, the X series, Endless Space, Avorion, Everspace, and tons more I’m probably just not remembering. I just love space in general, and have since I was a kid.
My personal dream scenario for Eve is this: delving into wormholes for fun and profit, possibly dual boxing with one ship as a (scout/probe ship from what I understand?), and a more well armed ship as a sort of escort or bouncer. As I understand it there’s salvaging, hacking, NPC ships to fight, risk from other players, exploration, and so on. That all sounds amazing! I’m strictly a solo player, so joining a corp or getting heavy into pvp doesn’t really interest me, which has been what’s kept me away from Eve for the last several years. But lately, the idea of playing a game “wrong” has started to bug me. I just want to have fun, in whatever form that comes in for me personally.
I’m aware that the play-style I am suggesting is not the norm. Some would even say it’s the “wrong” way to play. I’m not here to make the best isk per hour, grow an empire, become the meta, I just want to have fun in my own little weird way: exploring unexplored wormhole space, darting around avoiding danger, making some profit (enough to cover what I lose, plus a little extra mayhaps), and enjoying space.
Any and all advice, tips, links to helpful material, or just a friendly nudge in the right direction would be amazing, and incredibly appreciated. I know I’m weird for wanting to play it this way, but there’s something about Eve that’s nostalgic, and scratches an itch in these ways that I feel I can’t get from any other space games that I play all the time.