Any value that you personally place on the time you spend playing the “game” of Eve is yours and yours alone. That is your choice and has absolutely no bearing on how I play this game.
Eve is a sandbox where we all get to play, for free if we want, or through paying for the oppurtunity to play with shinier toys. Whether you pay for those toys with actual money or earn it through in-game means it doesn’t change the fact that Eve is JUST a game.
For you it may be more than a game, and there is nothing wrong with that. But for others it is just a game. A challenging one for sure, but still just a game. I think the OP wasn’t trying to belittle anyone or anything, but in the same vein don’t expect everyone to hold the same feelings or commitment to Eve as you do.
Not everyone. I wander around Eve doing a little of this and a little of that. I’m one of those that never bought into the “You have to join a corporation or you’re not playing Eve right!” trap. I am my own corp. I don’t have a home other than where my pod shows up. I have ships scattered all over New Eden depending on where the latest wormhole spits me out.
Yes I have to “work” to afford the ships I want to fly. By “work” I mean play the game. And my “work” sometimes involves hunting others going about there “work”.
“Get paid to work for your Alliance”? What? Please dont tell me you get home from your daily shenanigans just to come here and play EVE by “working” for your Alliance by doing things you wouldn’t normally do if you played the game for yourself, and get paid peanuts for it.
Maybe you should PLEX? I PLEX from time to time with money I get from my day job. Tbh it removes all this hassle of EVE becoming your mandatory 2nd job if you want to support 2 characters. Then leave an Alliance that expects you to “work” for them? And go do whatever you want with your leisure time and your own money rather than being the videogame employee of a little Hitler? I dont know, just an idea.
Don’t you think it’s fantastic that we have a game where you can really play at any level.
From the serious gamer to the bumbling idiot, we are all catered for but from time to time all our paths cross, for me the people interaction is the part I love ,forming a group and doing stuff together.
Not really interested in money ,just as long as I can do the things I enjoy. Maybe that’s why I can turn down Aiko when she offered to pay me to join her group with offers of riches beyond imagination.
Happy doing my stuff and that’s what we all need to find in Eve
No, actually it’s a socio-economic simulation …
… which requires to be a game, otherwise it wouldn’t have any participants.
It’s just that all the people out there wouldn’t know what to do with “socio-economic simulation” and thus instead wrongly call it a “sandbox”, because that’s the closest they can get. Problem with that, though, is that EVE ONLINE basically redefined the term, but all the other pseudo-sandbox-developers aren’t catching up to it.
Makes sense, because an actual “sandbox” requires the freedom only EVE provides.
EVE also redefined the term MMO, but yet again all the others didn’t even try catching up to it. It’s literally the only massively multiplayer game. All the others are just pseudo wannabes who are called MMO because there’s lots of people, not because they’re all playing together.
Anyhow, what anyone thinks isn’t particularly relevant.
Everyone can have opinions, sure. That doesn’t make them reality.
Reality is that EVE ONLINE is a socio-economic simulation first and a game only second.
Its kind of like saying social media is just comments on the internet and no one should take them seriously, while knowing full well how many people take it all deathly seriously and will no matter what you say.
I mean it DOES need to be said, whether for EVE or social media, even for the sake of the few who will wake up and heed the advice. But you need to give the advice without expecting much effect for it or you will be very, very disappointed.
The amazing thing is, for the real money estimations of what people have lost in an instant, that I have not heard of any extremely serious real world repercussions for it, just rage in text.