Future of PVP

Yet another thread about something that doesn’t need to be fixed.

I’m not aware of any PvP changes. Too bad you didn’t stick to informing us about that instead of proposing needless changes.

LOL! For murder sim there’s much better than EVE Online. I’m thinking Ghost Recon or Predator: Hunting Grounds. The PvP in EVE is tame, it’s more about strategy than brawn.

Maybe they have severe case of dyslexia.

@Ursula_Anders for somebody that introduced oneself the other day you know a lot of EVE already, huh?

Damn you alts… DAMN YOU ALL!!!

Calm down, pilot. I fail to see how my gaming status is relevant to any thread I’ve come across on this forum so far. I could very easily tell you that this character is the only one I own in an account with two empty slots for more characters but I have a feeling you’re the type of man who dances on his own drumbeat so carry on and fly safe.


You used to be able to wardec anyone in a player corp if you were a player corp in highsec for a reasonable fee. The morons at ccp decided that pvp in highsec was to be removed though.

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It’s not, it was just an observation.

A good one, if I may.



There’s nothing wrong with Eve or PvP. A few grumpy old vets are leaving…who cares. There’s loads of noobs to replace them, I’ve noticed a fair number in my travels who have not been ‘driven off by ganking’ or any of that nonsense.

I think a lot of bittervets are simply bored of Eve, looking about for an excuse to leave, and ‘the game is dying’ is perceived as a good excuse. I don’t think they want to think that the game may still be around 20 years after they leave.

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CCP is pushing hard to make EVE a PVP only game and the numbers dwindle… maybe there is a relationship… who knows

No bears?

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It’s the exact opposite.

CCP appear to be turning EVE into a PvE or EvE game.
It was always an issue, with only minutes of PvP pew-pew, supported by some other poor sucker, having to grind for hours to make the ship.
Offloading that grind onto others will only get harder.

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Perhaps the change to PI input materials for Battleships made the shift that we are all now seeing with focus leaning towards more PVE for long term established players. PI gives a step towards account log in increase opposed to loggin in once in 7 or so days for accounts that just farm SP only.

Which I see it as also a increase in the amount of log in along with time logged in with each account that was setup as above.

More players will focus on bringing their accounts back once they do the sums with including PI now as a must for for minimial effect to still maintain a SP farming account setup even after the Omega Price increase that seems to have placed a hurdle on the track for some people.

In closing I say that the future of PVP is promising as more accounts will now require undocking.

What makes you think that?

EVE is a PvP universe in which you can do PvE. CCP has intentionally put both elements in the game and over the years keeps adding content for both as we can see from the sites that were introduced with the creation of Pochven, which very much encourage PvP, but are in fact PvE content.

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More logins don’t do much, unless those players are also active in space.

Let’s say we do find some burn-out candidate who maintains his PI twice a week instead of once a week. What’s it to us?

I mean, thanks for the personal sacrifice, as all the Px has to be made by some poor soul, because the devs wrote the blueprints that way, but it does NOT make for a better game.

It’s a zombie activity, done in isolation from the rest of the game. Can’t even hunt their transport ships effectively. Not that it would make a big difference.

I admire the optimism, but this game needs another solution.

More like a radical break with mining, PI and Abyssals is needed. Like, delete and then adjust the blueprints, PvP drops and reprocessing rates accordingly.

Sure it needs another solution and the current state of the game looks like it still requires players to continue logging in or at least look like it is active.

Radical change takes time and fanfest showed something that could be exactly what the game needs.

The optimism I hold for this game is only due to my own enjoyment in New Eden.

Any good barge should be making you at least 10m ISK per hour. So something like a Procurer should pay for itself and its fittings within 5 hours. At that rate you can have a fully fitted 700 DPS Gnosis within 6 hours, a fully fitted Tornado within 12 hours, and a fully fitted Praxis ( or any other ship over 200m ISK ) with just a day’s worth of mining.

Heck, with a day of mining you can have a fleet of Moa, Sunesis, Caracal, Gnosis…and have spare change.

I know this, because although I mine very little now…its how I paid for most of my early ships ( before I discovered that mining my wallet is a lot quicker ).

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That’s why those miners can do it, instead of me.

You make ISK by just about any other activity. Sht, even high sec exploration makes more per hour than barge mining.

I get a many times more ISK per hour for doing something totally and utterly useless, like shooting NPC rats, while the miner gets almost nothing for doing something necessary for the game.

I am well aware that means I’m basically just using other players, just like a lot of peeps here, but at least I can see it for what it is.

It’s kind of amazing this game hasn’t crashed and burned earlier. I guess it’s a testament to the things that EVE does get very right, like 0-respawn.

It’s not healthy though.

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You’re not using them; you’re giving them purpose.

For example, pretty much all of the ISK I make in-game these days comes from other players. I come to them, and then they give me their money, or maybe their modules or cargo. And they do this consistently, basically like repeat customers. Without me, it’s likely that those players would get bored and quit the game (something I’ve often personally observed when I hung out with those players in their corporations). But because I validate their labor, and provide a terminus for their economic output, I give them a reason to continue playing.

Trust me, when you think that you’re “using” other players, you’re actually doing them a favor.

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Who cares, no harm done.
Have a nice day.

This is why people need to get out of high sec 10mil/h is terrible the avg for most decent things is around 100, they can loose tons of ships and still be higher.

The avg for faction warfare is between 50-150 /h in 10mil-30 mil ships they pay for them selves super fast.
Data/relic is about 5-10mil an hour in high sec 50mil in low sec 100-150 in null and 200+ in wh’s.
Missions about 80-150 in high sec / 200-500 in low/npc null and so on this whole safe thing is overated when you can cover the losses with that extra income.

That sounds like so much fun…! NOT
No wonder players rage at CCP and quit when the slightest thing is nerfed. Must be frustrating to play for isk in a PvP game. No wonder all the miners are crying their eyes out and hating on PvPers, if in their mind the correct way to play EVE is to isk farm.
Of course, isk farming is to PLEX for Omega because isk farmers don’t want to spend real money that way they feel that their Omega is free… LMAO!!