The ships in New Eden have fantastic automation for absolutely everything … it’s you the pilot. That’s the game, you are the controlling AI effectively.
Both macros and scripts are disallowed by EULA and result into ban. I cannot toggle auto return drones on warp. I do not get how this has anything to do with me - the pilot. I am looking for a specific feature that the game is missing and I advise to add it.
I try very hard to not say this to anyone, but frankly this is not the game for you.
Why not? Because you comment irrelevant comments on my game improvement suggestion?
Edit: I genuinely enjoy playing the game, and yet you tell me it is not for me. Please, clarify!
Eve rewards persistence, patience, massive attention to detail & procedure, instant risk analysis, controlled aggression. If you can’t handle recalling your own drones then probably eve isn’t for you. Recalling drones becomes automatic, we have all lost drones this way, you either learn to do it or you end up providing free isk to players like me who in part hunt down nice drones to sell.
I have never mentioned that I cannot handle recalling drones. For a new player, this is commonly happening, I even talked to other begging players complaining about exactly the same problem. That is initially why I suggested adding this feature.
This game is not for you Stalter Arjar, you are telling people to leave. No one wants you here in the community. Please leave EVE.
Jeez you are a proper whiner
You came here to whine. I came here to give constructive feedback to game developers. Please, GTFO!
Welcome to the forums, it’s a toxic wasteland but every now and then you’ll have a laugh.
Rookie chat - having a new player chat based on chosen language does make sense. Basing it simply on a chosen language on client makes a bit more sense then blanket IPs.
While an @ or similar feature makes sense, based on the issues they currently have with chat I’d be afraid to know how things would break if they tried to implement it lol.
Drone’s tediousness is part of their balance. They are an extremely powerful weapon that has the ability to murder a whole area of rats with a single button push. Losing them via mismanagement or destruction leans into their balance. If an auto-recall was built in you’d likely see a counter balance tweak like disconnecting when out of range. Lesser of the two evils.
You drag and drop the name of that player from member list.
Or type the name in, mark it right click on the marking → autolink → character
long story short with these two methods you can link virtually anything in the game in chat.
first one can be an issue I agree especially if they are writing in korean alphabet instead of english, but then this can be extended to pretty much every language to which game is localized.
third is just “would be nice to have” and not really much of an actuall “issue” imo.
tl:dr OP has one potentially valid point and rest is on lack of learning/research of his/her/it’s
I don’t expect you, specifically, to stay for long, and I don’t see it as any meaningful loss to the game. We could do with less kids like you coming in with a “i’m a developer too, and this should only take 1 hour” attitude.
Yep this is EVE community for you. Check any other thread in this subforum if you don’t believe me.
CCP doesn’t read anything here anyway, this subforum exists only because it is somewhat standard on gaming forums.
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