Game Is Whacked So Just Gonna Yak

That is still more effort than it takes to kill the NPCs :rofl:

Just because you’re saying words doesn’t mean you’re actually saying anything.

What happened to this, btw? Felt the need to come back and try to have the last word or something?

This Just In:

Hello all I am Tom Galoochigoo with CNN News. Today it was just discovered that Trump has signed an official order with a drone cutting costs to fund servers for EvE Online’s Space MMO Sim in order to allow those with PreExisting conditions to keep their WoW coverage. Many Space Pilots are very upset about this and hordes of rioters can be seen on the streets of New Eden Forums chanting “Death to DDoS attackers.”

We got to Sally Wipyaass who is Live where the action is unfolding.

Thanks Tom, today many New Eden Capsuleers are bored outta their frigging minds so they are taking to the streets and demanding change. Just a bunch of people who are so use to playing eve at this time that they do not know what else to do other than protest the servers being unreliable.

Thanks Sally,
More on this breaking news at 5 with Tanya Gotchya Pickle INA Bind. And later, feeling a little depressed? Tune in at 11pm for a cream that we claim not to be affiliated with, but morons trust us, so we could sell you repurposed dog poo as long as it looks like a cream.

CNN respondant Tom Galoochigoo, signing out.

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They do not protect against it per se. The companies the get DDoSed limp through the attacks until the attackers get bored and move on. There is not much a company can do when someone coordinates a bunch of hijacked computers to overload your servers, as your servers are meant to be connected to by said computers.

There’s a way to beat it. All meet for lan party.

lol…how many games even support direct lan these days?

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