Game launches with CCPs wine, not my own

You must have done something wrong. I’ve tested it and I can assure you 3.4 and 3.5 are working with “Windows XP”-mode. I’ve just tried it even though I’m fine with what my distro offers me.

For anyone reading here, this is how you can install WINE when you get it from WineHQ… Assuming you have a 64-bit PC will you need to download 3 files:

For WINE 3.7 on Debian 10 (“Buster”):

Same here, you do NOT need:

The three files contain the 64-bit binaries&libraries ( wine-devel-amd64_*_amd64.deb ), the 32-bit binaries&libraries ( wine-devel-i386_*_i386.deb ) and the loader ( wine-devel_*_amd64.deb ).

After downloading the three files do you need to install each one of them either as root or with the help of sudo. But first will you have to add i386 as an architecture when you haven’t done so already:

dpkg --add-architecture i386

Then you do and in the same order as shown here:

dpkg -i wine-devel-amd64_3.7.0~buster_amd64.deb
dpkg -i wine-devel-i386_3.7.0~buster_i386.deb
dpkg -i wine-devel_3.7.0~buster_amd64.deb

WINE will then be installed in /opt/wine-devel/. Make sure your desktop icon points to it or set your PATH variable to include /opt/wine-devel/bin.

@Liquid_Entropy I’m assuming you’ll have to get the files for Ubuntu 16.04 (“Xenial”) from here:

Best of luck!

And to show off and say “I haz pr00f”:

Latest update to Debian 10 “Buster” now provides WINE 3.5 as default for the wine-development package. So one can now just stick to the distro’s original packages and doesn’t need to get the files from WineHQ. Unless of course you’re already going for WINE 3.6 …

Updated the links for the packages as these now have changed and all contain a ~-character.