Game suggestions, mission system overhaul, newbro retention

You don’t get it. He is just playing the fool. Just a troll. There is no argument with him, he just plays the stupid idiot who NEED SOME EVIDENCE.
The only correct way to deal with those trolls is to make them repeat again and again and then report them.

I am not the troll. You are. You have personally responded to everything I have said here, in my post. You come to my post flaming about how bad I am, based on no evidence. Then you insult me, and here you are berating me, and then telling ME that YOU will report ME for my own ignorance? EXCUSE ME? I have decided to make the video now. You keep saying “there is a thing you can do that will net you huge money, and I won’t even bother to link you the thing, because I’m just so awesome, and you fail so horribly at doing anything”. And you call that EVIDENCE? You are a liar. once again.

And Ms Meathead, you are also a moron and a liar. So do what you feel you need to do. I am reaching out to CCP… NOT YOU. All you have offered is your garbage ignorance. You don’t think I know the consequences of turning down a mission? There’s no way to avoid the standings hit by turning one down. And the lower your standings, the larger the hit you take. You can destroy your standings by turning down 3 or 4 missions to get one good one. Then the standings increase doesn’t count whatsever if you go ahead and turn down another 3 or 4. Now all of a sudden you can’t even run L4’s again. So you take what you can get.

And yes I know about SOE missions but they are in some of the heaviest ganked systems in the game. So I avoid those areas like the plague. Yes I also know about running dual agents in same systems, and they are OK, but caldari missions are worse than amarr missions. I’m not stupid to the mission system. I looked at a few LP items and they were all the same. VERY LOW payout for what you put into them. They aren’t the 30+ mil an hour you claim to be. That’s why I will not be making a fool of myself doing these missions. I will be making a fool out of YOU. Because then at least I will have substantiated my claims. And you will have NOT.

Please show us more how an ignorant you are.
I won’t tell you where you are wrong, because “I WANT EVIDENCE” I just tell you, you are.

fixed for you.

And once again, for the 100th time, you people are so hung up on the isk per hour thing, and honestly the isk per hour is only about 50% of my suggestion. Because at the end of the day, a better mission system will encourage in-corp PVE content. The game is so very badly lacking in-corp content that can be run as a group. I’m sick of running with a bunch of rando’s, while everyone in the corp is off running anomalies, scanning, L1’s or whatever the dozen things you do in this game that you do all by yourself. I’m trying to drive a sense into you that EVE needs to change, because it’s player base is SHRINKING. Otherwise the F2P crap would not exist. Don’t you understand this? CCP is desparately trying to to keep EVE running. It’s a bad situation.

And my concern is that all they need to do is change a simple element of the game. But it’s met with such greedy hostility. It’s time for EVE to change. BECAUSE IT HAS TO.

And once again. More claims. More claims with no evidnce. It’s time to shut your mouth. I will not take your beration with no production of evidence.

and we don’t take yours.

Show us evidence that you can’t do more than 100M/h isk in HS
Show us evidence that you can’t do scarlet and zazz in less than 10min.
Show us evidence that the only way of playing is to suck as much as you do.

Those are just claims from you with no evidence.

See? He is stubborn and in denial and does not want to accept any help anyway.


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it’s not 1$ but 100M/h :laughing:

Anderson. You were saying 100 mil an hour per toon, easy. And that’s single boxing. Those were your words, you made your income levels pretty clear there.

I just did a full 3 hours of running missions and earned 100 mil exactly, with 20K LP. I cashed in 110K LP and 110 mil to buy implants to sell and only made about 35 mil in profit on that. Way beyond the profit I would have made if I had only bought 2 of the implants.

I will be uploading the video soon. Because this is, in my mind, the best possible way to run missions. nothing I can do will make them more lucrative than this… aside from multiboxing and declining missions like crazy.


And btw I did do some research on how to make 100 mil an hour. The best posts I could come up with are years old, the game has changed since then. And even at that, people were talking about using marauders with multibox fleets. I’m not just pulling this out of my arse. You see? Would you like me to produce evidence to prove my case… while you sit in the jury being an idiot judge, without producing your OWN evidence on how you can make 100 mil an hour in raw isk not counting LP? Until you show me how this is done and I test it for myself, I want you to shut the hell up for once. And leave this discussion. Because you are not being constructive.

No, you definitely are :


You keep claiming it’s impossible.
I tell you I do 100M isk/h EASY with only one toon active (actually I had another one doing hauling for friends who were gate camping and lost several ships - later I was watching someone on twitch doing clay ships). This is a proof that your knowledge of the game is very bad.
I even gave you evidence(my wallet data) that this is consistently achievable(I only did 2H because I don’t like farming and I rather do something fun)

Since your knowledge of the game is THAT bad (AKA : you suck) then your opinion about the game is irrelevant.

How I do that ? You want a video ? Go ■■■■ yourself.
I’ve found vids under 30s that show how to do scarllet much faster than you do. It’s just a single proof that you are wrong - not that I make 100M/h(I make much more). The evidence that I do it, is my wallet numbers. Like them or not.

That only proves that you suck at searching.
BTW you should not search for 100M/h but 300-400 M/h/t, that would be much closer to reality.
And that you won’t have evidence from me, because ■■■■ YOU and your lazy attitude.

You are not a jury. You are an idiot, yes.
I provided evidence, you don’t like it? go ■■■■ yourself.
You keep claiming something is not possible, without any proof about this being impossible - and then I should provide a proof that is is possible? I DO IT on a weekly basis, I have proof it is easily doable - while you have NOTHING but your ignorance.

so YOU shut the ■■■■ up and find some evidence it is not possible, and those evidence will be stupidly bad because I KNOW it is easily doable - and many other people on the forum know this is easy doable.
YES it needs preparation, work, time investment, but then you keep doing an easy 100M/h at least. NO you will never do that because you decided it’s not possible for you.

Always nice to see Anderson bitch at someone who actually deserves it. :slight_smile:

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This values are obscured by the fact that over 35% of them are alts. So it should realistically add 35% of the rates.

around 2% were killed illegally in their first 15 days
around 19% were killed legally in the first 15 days
and around 65% where not killed in the first 15 days.

I’d like to also state, that we should further look into more metrics to get more accuracy on this. 15 days is short, that leaves me with some questions.

How active were they? as the industry average for hours per a week is around 5
How far did they venture out of new player starter area’s? I often meet new players who thing 10-15 jumps in eve is “very far”, this suggests to me most of them do not even leave the starter area’s.

If these things are true, the it seems to suggest that number in reality is much higher. Being someone who has played eve for so many years, and knowing how insanely complex it is, i would consider 6 months to be the end point of “new” to start transiting to “new-ish”, then again thats really based on what they did.

1 month is not anywhere close to being a cut off for a new player, and 15 days even more so. These numbers are not even accurate on reflecting the true state and health of “new players” and if they are “abused”.

CCP does this a lot, they publish metrics that area accurate up to a point. Its their signature move.

For example they said something like “our metric data actually shows that people scammed over a month have a higher chance of staying in the game…”

I have to then ask, “What happens after that point, and they are scammed again? Does the retention rates stay the same, or is there a more likely chance they leave?”.

As a game designer i recognize an important point, and all designers are aware of this… “players are efficient little Boogers”. I would gather to believe from my knowledge and experience that after scam two, or three they would quit, and the likelihood of them returning is 0 (or realistically much lower). For this reason i do not trust ccp’s metrics, and see them often as a means to manipulate the games population into a false sense of “everythings ok!”, which is then backed by the mountains of trolls here.


CCP did that study to look at what factors were influencing people staying with the game in the first days and weeks. As a game designer, you know how important those first impressions are. The results CCP found are completely reasonable: things like a complictated UI or arcane game mechanics were driving more players away from the game than early exposure to PvP. They chose 15 days because that was the time frame of the old trial, not because they were negligent or up to something.

“Abuse” of new players isn’t an issue. Even when it happens, there are so many other problems and incompatibilities affecting new players that “abusive” PvP interactions are not at all statistically relevant. CCP was right to focus their dev efforts after that study on fixing the UI and improving the PvE, rather than worrying about the few percent of players that might explode early on in their Eve career (something that didn’t even seem detrimental from the data).

I do think balance and the power gap between new and established players is an issue and something CCP should think about, but you can’t fault them for doing a careful study designed to look at what drives players out of the game early on. In fact, they should be applauded for looking at the data and being so systematic about their development efforts.

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First impressions last the first minute of a game (some say half of that), since most of the first impressions do not even go to the ui at that point, i cannot accept that is the reason why people left eve.

First, ccp has repeatedly lied, and altered their statistics in the past, and is currently doing so. They like to bake “Half truths” into their statements or word things in ways that are understand differently then intended. I do not trust anything they say.

As i said, in eve, you are new long after 15 days. Did they publish how long people stay with in 15 jumps of the starter systems? Not that i know of. Why not? because the statistics involved around this would show that the new players do not venture out enough to statistically be killed.

lets step back in time. Many people left eve because of “Station camping” due to previous war mechanics (which by the way i advocated against and was called crazy for) and as someone that was ceo in those days, i can definitely tell you pvp influenced them to leave.

this is an example of how ccp cheats the statistics with their statements, claiming that pvp does not influence them by providing values in which that statement is true, but beyond that is totally false. Very sneaky, very shady.

So new player dont get scammed, ganked, mining permits, placed in corps to tax farm, etc?

That is not an issue “at all”? You know how insane that sounds right? Lets step back and look at this from yet another angle.

How about the abuse of ccp toward those new players? Like outdated, neglected systems and overly exhaustive grind rates.

Oh i dont fault them for studies, i bet the knew exactly what they need to do, but choose to lie to the population about it to cut back on developer resources and maintain a low production cost while they spam useless content.

I think they just need more missions. More burners too. More variance on missions such as special random chance spawns that are hard to fight. All the crappy filler missions need to be made profitable and challenging instead.

Though I selfishly hope that they don’t because burner blitzing is my out of corp HS safety net source of income and I’d hate to see it jeopardized.

Exactly. ‘Abuse” by CCP having an NPE that actively shunts them along a path to decade-old PvE and terribly grindy gathering mechanics is responsible for an order of magnitude more people leaving the game then real “abuse” from other players. Maybe where you draw the line of “new player” might change that ratio, but certainly almost all players that quit the game in the first days and weeks do so for reasons other than being scammed or ganked. And given that time period is when most players are lost, it makes sense to focus on these problems than worry about the 1% that get ganked in their first week.

I think mid-term, like months into the game, realization of the existing power gap between new and old, or perhaps an unexpected loss to another player may be a factor pushing people away from the game, but early on it is the UI, game complexity/freedom, and boring gameplay which is responsible for the vast majority of player leaving the game.

CCP’s study was to look at that time period so the findings make total sense: true new players aren’t griefed out of the game: they are bored or confused out of it. There is no lying or incompetence going on here by CCP, rather just people rejecting reality based on their preconceived notions that don’t reflect the experience of most new players or over interpreting the narrow nature of this study.


I agree that the NPE/UI/lack of low-level interesting activities (people get bored out of L3s) is likely to prevent retention (and to my experience it’s really the main reason why people who are willing to invest time in eve don’t - that and being told they can plex for free then realizing it costs tens of boring farming to plex).
However calling “true new players” those which are not griefed out of the game seems kind of … arrogant ? It means that new players who are griefed are not “true” anymore ? I also have experience of new player who uninstall after being wardecced and then ganked (well no any more), or just suicide ganked because they wanted to try if shinies were more interesting when playing L4 and thus lost everything they had invested in ? (and don’t give me the “don’t play what you can’t afford to lose” : that means don’t play at all for beginners)