Games That Rocked the World

I just noticed this 4 part series on Roku and see Eve Online is featured on the first episode (from preview) I have yet to view it. It is a total of 4 episodes. I will watch it tomorrow and see what they have to say.

Have fun!

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I watched the first episode. I cringed when some guy said “Doom was the best space game ever.”. Now the reviewers are complete unknowns to me. This is low budget propaganda documentary film at best. After a Halo segment they talk about Eve for 8 or 9 minutes of this 44 minute episode. Giving it 19% of the episode, but mostly talk about a $500,000 epic player battle sparked by a CCP auto-pay error. I don’t see this as positive to say, Eve is the best space MMO today to cost you half of a million US funds to play, and you will lose your shirt because of auto-pay.

After that they gave about 4 to 5 minutes to No Man’s Sky calling it the “come back kid” of space MMOs. The documentary talks more about the US / USSR space race as being the reason for space games’ popularity on the market.

Have fun! o7

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It sounds like 45mins of wasted time.

That’s utter nonsense. Space MMOs are geared towards players who enjoy Sci-fi, which predates any rivalry between the two nuclear superpowers.
Careful with propaganda, turns the brain to mush.


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No Man’s Sky is even worse than Eve when it comes to trying to figure out what the heck one is doing. You can end up with assignments where you are given absolutely zero clue how to achieve them. It’s very much a ‘what happens if I press this button ?’ game, and the problem being you can run out of buttons and still not know what to do.

@James_Bohd it was kind of flat, I give the series 3 out of 5. It is a balanced documentary about video games but doesn’t have the scope to focus on everything. I found it interesting, when I was surfing through my Roku free items, there was a spot on Eve Online. I think it is nice they gave it such a large time allotment. In my opinion, they didn’t make the game very appealing with the story of a battle that took place ages ago, and cost a lot of players money. The one player states, his boss told him to go home and take care of his game. Then says the battle raged on for 17 hours. I don’t think it would encourage me to glue myself to my PC for 17 hours. If this was my documentary, I would tell people more current and uplifting events about the game.

@Altara_Zemara I haven’t played No Man’s Sky our neighbor has it for his PS4. I wouldn’t know much about it, since it cannot run on my current PC. I only gave it as a reference to where the clip is located on the show. My husband played the PC version of Halo a long time ago, but again that was made as index point.

I really don’t get into these sci-fi MMOs all that much. However I did find some nice outfits in the market recently for my Princesses to wear. Rose Ivory is now wearing the catsuit from Kill Bill, Ember has a festive red dress, and Coma is wearing a white dress that aligns with her profession.

Have fun!

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