Sorry but I am not going to fight 10x stronger ship that I have. Last time I was roaming with thorax around non-fw lowsec and this is what happened:
they immediately docked (they probably though I am just bait and I have gazilion alts/friends waiting next system)
they kept ratting their anomaly knowing I can’t get to them as they were 200km from beacon
they docked and reshipped into proteus/loki/tengu and then they wanted to PvP me in my Thorax and called me coward in local chat lol
I wasted 2 hours doing this.
So I tried FW and jumped to Tama in Vexor. Gate is not camped these day so great. Jumped onto beacon and waited a bit then I saw two osprey navies coming to me so I aligned, when they landed I warped to Sujarento as I am sorry but I won’t take a fight in Vexor vs two osprey navies, they chased me, so I let them aggro me there and jumped back to shake them off. Then I got chased by 4 praxises (most likely multibox due to their names) so I had to dock in station and log out for 4 hours until they gave up. And then I gave up on a PvP in FW lowsec too.
Just like with ganking majority of players there is planning ahead and making sure they win by outgunning you or outnumbering you. So what is the point, I can do that too in highsec and so I will.
Because that would take effort and majority of the players is not coming to this game to apply any effort to grab the rewards. They want instant gratification or at least being able to grab the rewards while not actually playing the game.
Honestly it is shocking to me that so many high sec players are taking these fights against 6+ catalysts. I wouldn’t have… Maybe they think they can win? Surely they are not AFK/bots!
Or, or maybe they are just better players than I am and they are not as risk averse and just take the fight no matter what they stand against? Yeah, that must be it.
Yeah your running around reminds me that PVP breaks down into the following activities:
being hunted
It looks different in each zone of space because the same tools can yield different results. It can also differ depending whether you go big game hunting (after capital ships or super caps) versus sub caps.
(Aside: yes, capital hunters exist)
The whole movement to “turn PvP off” in high sec is to get rid of this foundational behavior because the soft self-made-victims of EvE would rather be deliberately vulnerable to being hunted and then complain than… well, engage with the core of the game.
Your thorax story just shows you were up for hunting certain targets while avoiding being hunted. Sucks you didn’t find anything — it happens, and it is a part of being a solo hunter — and if only the “anti ganking” crowd would take a page to encourage other players to be like your thorax — dodging the sharks out in the universe, fitting correctly, and being aware.
When I did this I was prepared to lose that ship. However, it is just nonsense to give it away for free and try to fight someone I have 0% chance to beat. I was looking for navy cruisers (which would kill me likely too) or below mostly doing anoms as I didn’t have combat probe alt. If anyone of them undocked this, I would take the fight and most likely lost it anyway, but the only ships that undocked were of 10x+ stronger class… And when it was getting late and I was desperate for not getting a fight I actually didn’t run away and stayed near station against that tengu. And guess what. He didn’t engage me (which would give me slight advantage but hardly enough). So we stared at each other for a while then I just left… Really sad. HS ganking has an advantage that finding the target, specially around Jita usually doesn’t that that long (if you don’t care about profit - which is a griefing now according to CCP). It comes with the price of losing your ship of course.
I am simply stating what the lowsec looks like and why are players not PvPing there and instead are ganking. EVE is not fair, I am not sure if I would undock tengu against lone throrax, but surely I would try to get another advantage before going into that fight myself. This is only natural. There is no fairness in PvP in EVE and highsec noobs and gank-haters needs to finally realize this. Sure ganking is not fair, but so it not fair any other PvP anywhere else lol. They are just avoiding PvP so much to the point they still didn’t realized and then they are spouting such nonsenses.
Well most of them claims they never been ganked, but we can’t know for certain because they are always using an alts or toons with 0 killboard history to post right?
*We dreamed of golden shining towers
Of lazy days and thrilling hours
Fields of wonder, streets so fair
Of amber ships which sailed, through the air
Dreamed of steel and glass and wire
Of days of wine and nights of fire
Dreamt of dogs that talked like boys
Of girls who flew, of unnamed joys
And now our dreams are true
We don’t know what to do
For we don’t like it here
There’s nothing for us to fear
Bored mindless in Utopia*
Hmm. The fact that you see a solo kill doesn’t necessarily mean it was a gank. It could be a person with a kill right on them, or someone wardeced, or even a failed bait. One of the problems with killboard is it really doesn’t know in such cases. I’ve seen lots and lots of cases where a solo ship takes out someone in highsec and it is clear that it cannot have been a gank because there is simply no way that ship could have done that on its own if Concord were involved.
No solo ganks in the last almost 5 months, but 3 the last 8 months.
NPCs are by far the biggest killer of Hulks solo (which just shows how little miners pay attention to the game, to not even realise they are being killed by a rat).
Kind of ugly table, but here’s every non-war, solo kill from zkill (and the player involved ones cross checked against the MER to make sure none are missing) of Hulks in highsec in the last 8 months.
It will show if the gankee has their kill board linked…so its a little disingenuous of you as your sole source of knowing anyone has been ganked is the very killboard you decry. If nobody has anything linked then by definition there is no record for you to know that anything happened ! Strange how killboard is a complete waste of time when it suits you…and a valuable source of info when it suits you.
If a hulk has been solo ganked then it can’t have been one with any tank. I have in fact seen such cases…people with literally no shield or armour fittings at all. Anyone who leaves dock in a ship with tank slots empty deserves to be ganked as they are a fool.
There is otherwise no way that a single Catalyst can take out a well tanked barge even in 0.5 space. I have never seen a solo case that was well fitted.
No, you completely miss the point. If neither the ganker or gankee has KB linked then nobody will ever know about the kill…and that includes you ! You repeatedly dishonestly try to use absence of linking to conjure up records that by definition you don’t know even exist.
I could not care less about the 2.8bn case or even whether it is true or not. It is typical of you to focus on one case…and sort of overlook the fact that in the process of trying to shoot it down you admitted that it is all but impossible to solo gank a well tanked barge…yet you earlier claimed…your words’ And yet people still solo gank hulks '.
It is typical of how you just slither all over the place. Hulks can be easily solo ganked when you want to make one argument, and are all but impossible to gank when you want to make another. Classic Lucas. You can contradict yourself by 180 degrees in the space of a few posts and think nothing of it !
The full details of the kill won’t be known in that case, except to those involved, however every player involved kill (ie. any killmail where there is a player as one of the attackers) is summarised in the monthly economic report.
Every month, the MER news article includes a link to the raw data:
Which has a summary of every killmail generated in the month that is a “pvp” kill.
From that, it’s possible to cross check against every killmail that zkillboard gets, and possible in many cases even from the summary, to identify kills likely to be a gank, even if they aren’t on zkillboard (especially with cross referencing other data from zkillboard about the time, active characters, their usual pvp behaviour, location, etc.).
Where zkillboard has both the ganks and the subsequent lossmails for the gankers, that’s the easiest way to identify ganks with certainty, but still possible to get a reasonable handle overall on gank numbers of all ship types, noting a potential delay of waiting for the current month’s data to be published in the MER.