Ganked in Sec 1.0 - is this normal

Not if you are sensible about it. People fly industrials and freighters into Jita all the time without getting blown up.

Which you will not. Eve is not for you.

Whos problem is this? Exactly…CCP’s problem

As i am a potential future customer

Imagine the number of paying subscriptions if these wicked actions would be outlawed


Oh, this again.
Hi Sec is already quite safe enough* that these potential players should be here already.
Seriously, I had one gank attempt during my hi sec time and that was entirely due to being imprudent.

*except during Burn Jita

Hello mate

Ignore the trolls, seriously, ignore them, for every idiot on here there is 20 decent pilots who will want to help you. Don’t judge the game by the forums, it’s a mistake, a big one.

Advice section:

When moving valuable goods, do not do it in a hauler of any kind, use a cruiser or fast frigate to move modules, if it takes several trips, do so. using a hauler is a one way ticket to “of shoot”'sville :stuck_out_tongue:

Also don’t ever use autopilot to move goods.

I won’t say “you deserved this” because that attitude does not help keep new players in Eve Online, I will simply say this is a lesson learned on your part.

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If anybody likes to keep a new player in, i lost about 100 mil, if you are space rich you could help by sending all or just a portion

The ISK will be used to form an alliance to aid new bros

Begging doesn’t look good on you…

damn i don’t care about the ISK, theres way more important things than those.

it’s more about principles. i know this is a game but some people…well let’s not go there

all i’m saying is i wasn’t even autopiloting, i was feeding my kid.

and guess who is feeding my kid now, thats right…nobody

You should have docked up; as with any other PvP game, if you go afk you’re likely to have a bad time.

and guess who is feeding my kid now, thats right…nobody

If a game is more important than your child, your priorities are screwed up.


I assume you are one of the code folks?

I am sorry buddy, that this happened to you, I know it’s a pain.

But Eve Online is not safe, what I say in my videos on a lot of them is never use auto pilot, as a father myself, I will give you some advice, if it looks like you have to go afk, dock, its that simple.

I’m sorry but it’s just how it is, you will avoid a lot of anger and frustration.

You would be wrong, I’m an industrialist and mass murderer of NPCs.

I don’t shoot other players in the face, I stab them in the wallet.


I love that statement, I have never seen it put like that before, epic

I like your attitude.

Let’s all band together against the NPC and be one as people

Also i only received 20 m as of now, let’s raise this amount to 50, or some crazy number

I recommend jumping off of that high horse again, because you sound like you’re just abusing people’s willingness to help.

You are free to have your principles. Just don’t force those to others. Eve is a sandbox, where we can all play the way we want. Even if you don’t like how someone plays the game, as long as they play by the rules set by CCP, it’s allowed. You aren’t a special snowflake who can decide what is allowed and what isn’t. Learn from your mistake and move on.

Thanks for the laugh!


Did you know that I once solo hyperdunked a freighter that was online and actively trying to escape all while rocking my daughter to sleep?

Why is it that the ones that often accuse gankers and other “emergent artists” of having mental and social issues are actually the ones that have issues themselves? Eve Online or being being a father… hmmmm is that really a thought decision?

I’m pretty sure that was the joke.

Next time you do this just go ahead and make it easier and name your ship something like “Loot Piñata”.

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Crybabies are not potential future customers; they are crybabies.