Gankers and freighters, a request for discussion. Not a BJ RANT

Several years ago, this toon was on the way back from an over night POS thump (our POS), and after scrambling to empty everything, i jumped my freighter out there. My lovely Ark, the flagship of our small corp. Everything went well and loaded it up. Jumped out of the system, and because CCP likes you to lose your things some ships bee-lined to my cyno ship in a low sec system (why you can’t jump right in to high sec I still cannot fathom)… anyway… my cyno ship got interdicted almost as i hit ‘jump’. I didn’t, and so my Ark was stuck at the POS. The attackers destroyed my cyno ship when they realised I was not going to jump through, and the attackers of the POS returned and the reinforcement timer was soon to expire. I safely logged off with my Ark, never to log in again. I unsubbed, friends all unsubbed, then my GF and I had a baby, and now she’s 7. So, somewhere out there 7 years ago my Ark is still floating in space lost forever because we’d rather unsub than see all our work over 2 years go up in some lazer fire that no one will probably remember.

Sums it all up really. the biggest mistake: Leaving high sec. Which is firm advice I now give anyone thinking about starting in EvE.

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