Why does High-Sec Exist?


Something doesn’t add up here.

I safely logged off with my Ark, never to log in again. I unsubbed, friends all unsubbed, then my GF and I had a baby, and now she’s 7.

Here you claim to have unsubbed and never logged in again. It could be read that this toon is what didn’t resub and log in. It’s a narrow interpretation, but let’s go with it. In other words, if you resubbed and logged in on a different character, then your statement isn’t a falsehood.

Let’s do a little fact checking.
It’s currently 2018, so 7 years ago would have been 2011.
Next, Even if you had just started a year long subscription before quitting, it would have run out sometime in 2012.
Moving on - Alphas were introduced in 2016, which allowed non subbing players access to the forums.
Before Alphas, IIRC, you had to have a current subbed/PLEXed character to log in to the EvE forums.

With all that said, I was looking for earlier posts by you for verification of the event. Instead I found a post from that toon in 2014…

Post # 10
That’s three years after you logged off this guy and unsubbed, and two years before Alphas were introduced.

What gives?

–Curious Gadget