High Sec / game play /CCP

Been playing eve on and off for 15 years … I’m done with this game for good Now due to CCP making this game worst with every update.

1.High sec should be a place for safe travel for everyone unless you have a war going on .
2.Freighters should have some sort of defense on them if other players are able to attack them in high sec .
3. Having NPC security in high sec respond faster to the attack Not showing up when the fight is over .
4.If there is no Safety in high Sec to travel thru then just get rid of all of High sec and low sec and make the game a Free for all ( witch is already)
5. Get ride of Skills injections for everyone.
6. make High Sec Safe for everyone to travel .
7. CCP is making the game worst by with every update they have to keep the core players that spends a lot of money in the game

Leaving? But you just joined us an hour ago.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Well, skill injectors have been here for quite some time. I seriously doubt they’ll be phased out anytime soon (they can be a blessing and a curse).

As for all your other points, all I can say is that it was a lot worse when it was the “wild west” equivalent for wardecs in high-sec. I’m not sure I want to go back to that time. You know what they say: be careful what you wish for…

Omg I made it early to this one!

:seat: :popcorn: :popcorn:

I quit EVE thread number 20398393829.

Noone quits EVE and you know it! Muhahahahaha


Good evening, sir :blush:

Sometimes we all have to go for some reason. I was wondering if you would care to leave me your stuff? You see I’m new and not leaving anytime soon so I could use a bit of help.
Thank you and good luck at whatever game you end up playing.


I will never give my stuff up i work to hard and spent to much money into the game .

There is a Safety.

I understand that it has a certain sentimental value but I thought since you are leaving for good you will not need any of it and I could certainly use it… and also, it must be some good stuff since you played for 15 years and it could help me train into things I haven’t thought of yet… it could also help me get some much needed isk if I sell some of it on the market… I owe @Zaera_Keena 1 billion isk already so it could give me a headstart.
Please, sir. You said you wouldn’t need it because you are leaving. Be charitable.


You will find that some who leave do so because they have a problem with sharing their stuff.

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How many times have I heard when I was little “share! Share!” but the adults would rather it goes to waste than share anything :confused:
The more I look at what adults do the less I want to be one.

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What they fail to realise is that what is mine is mine, what is theirs is also mine.


Everybody has to share with you :blush:


Farewell, and thanks for all the fish!

To those who are staying though, just a reminder:

  1. High Sec has never been advertised as a 100% safe zone, it has higher security than Low sec (and Low is higher security than Null).
  2. May I introduce you to the Avalanche?
  3. CONCORD is there as a retaliatory force, not a preventative one. They show up faster depending on the security value.
  4. I actually would enjoy this, but I’m sure there are many who would disagree.
  5. This is a source of income for CCP, I doubt this would happen.
  6. It is safe(r) for everyone to travel, just don’t make yourself a target by travelling with your piggy bank.
  7. That’s an opinion, Player numbers have been trending up though (ever so slightly).

With such fundamental misconceptions how did you play for 15 years… allegedly? :thinking:


See you in a couple days!



By the way it was never intended to be:

While CONCORD forces do react quickly and with force, they do not have a mandate to protect attacked players and as such will not necessarily be able to prevent eventual losses if attackers can field sufficient firepower to destroy their targets before CONCORD can intervene. CONCORD should therefore be regarded as a force of retribution, not one of protection.


Are you suggesting he should have bought a travel permit? :thinking:


the Magic School Bus could put it in good use:


So true and pretty sure even the Frostpacker agrees. :eyes:

:smirk: :innocent: :popcorn:

:wink: :smirk: :blush:

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Well he better start sharing, as Zaera wants her christmas present

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I guess it could, but it looks like Mike Azariah has been doing that for a long time, he doesn’t need this one as much as I do… Plus I’m a girl so I’m entitled to get it first!

so much for taking you serious with that last sentence.

Can i have your stuff

It most certainly should not. That’s antithetical to eve.

They have more than enough tank to let your friends deal with any threat. Though i recommend just using webs in hs why are you wanting them to fight when they can’t ever be caught?

If you must you can sacrifice capacity and use the upwell freighter.

They already show up pretty damn quick in 1.0 how much faster do you need them? They also aren’t their to stop a fight. Just to prevent unauthorized ones from escalating. They aren’t their to protect you, they are their to protect the regular humans in the system from the fights between immortal gods.

Yes these were a mistake, seems you have some sense.

Why are you repeating yourself? Again wrong game for this.

Idk the last few have been either meh like the most recent full of major qol updates. Hell the most recent fw and insurgency update was probably the best they have rolled out sense odyssey


So? It’s true, I should get it before Mike Azariah.

sorry, idc if you are one of the made up genders that corresponds with a mental health state, or whatever, nobody is entitled to anything…

id rather give my 14bil assets to mike than someone who thinks they are entitled, if i were to walk away