I remember the time that from 2005 that it was possible to mine and run missions in 06-1.0 space.
Now years later there is no so called save high sec space anymore.
CCP advertise with massive bonusses, [just 1 milliom SP] , for new player recruitment.
But as soon new players come to the conclusion that they cant even catch up or try to build something up in the game because their ships getting blown up due to the insanely large numbers or growing ganker alliances it is becoming impossible to play a normal eve-online game.
CCP knows that this is becoming an ever bigger problem because they are terrorizing the previously safe high sec space.
Concorde can’t even handle it anymore because the groups of gankers are growing so fast and increasingly in number, and are moving from 0.0 sec to high sec space.
I applaud the fact that eve-online must have an element and risk of danger in the game, otherwise players will have to play on sisi where is no danger to play.
But the speed at which ganker alliances are growing must also become an spinning out of control problem for CCP that they seriously need to do something about it.
Start punishing lower security status player more.
For example;
- Security status of -1.0 or below means they cannot Enter in 1.0 systems anymore.
- Security status of -2.0 or below means they cannot Enter in 0.9 systems anymore.
- Security status of -3.0 or below means they cannot Enter in 0.8 systems anymore.
- Security status of -3.5 or below means they cannot Enter in 0.7 systems anymore.
- Security status of -4.0 or below means they cannot Enter in 0.6 systems anymore.
- Security status of -4.5 or below means they cannot Enter in 0.5 systems anymore.
What kind of crap is this so-called solution that players with negative security status can no longer tether, and they will be vulnerable to both faction police and, potentially, other players.
They have already bypass this.
These criminal players have nothing to do in save high-sec space, just like in the real world where they are thrown in jail or are given heavy fines.
Increase the punishment for criminal negative players and force them back to 0 sec space were they belong.
No CCP have bring the rules of 0 sec space to high sec space.
How stupid can they be?
Stop nerving 0 sec space and force them back were the can gank if there live depend on it.
Alliances in 0 sec space screaming for more players to come to 0 sec space.
No, CCP brings them to low and high sec space.
At least new players have a change to play Eve-online again in a free and secure environment till they are ready and have enough experiance to go into the deep of Eve-online and move to 0 sec space.
CCP has completing lose track of this insanly growing problem and have only massive ammount of PLEX in their eyes.
This game is getting much expensiver with the day, and CCP promoting the ganking because PLEX rules the eve-online game now.
And yes it will kill the game in time because no new players will join a game when they know they will be bullying and teasing and griefing by massive gankers Alliances that blew up there ships for fun. Not even for profit.