Why does High-Sec Exist?


Something doesn’t add up here.

I safely logged off with my Ark, never to log in again. I unsubbed, friends all unsubbed, then my GF and I had a baby, and now she’s 7.

Here you claim to have unsubbed and never logged in again. It could be read that this toon is what didn’t resub and log in. It’s a narrow interpretation, but let’s go with it. In other words, if you resubbed and logged in on a different character, then your statement isn’t a falsehood.

Let’s do a little fact checking.
It’s currently 2018, so 7 years ago would have been 2011.
Next, Even if you had just started a year long subscription before quitting, it would have run out sometime in 2012.
Moving on - Alphas were introduced in 2016, which allowed non subbing players access to the forums.
Before Alphas, IIRC, you had to have a current subbed/PLEXed character to log in to the EvE forums.

With all that said, I was looking for earlier posts by you for verification of the event. Instead I found a post from that toon in 2014…

Post # 10
That’s three years after you logged off this guy and unsubbed, and two years before Alphas were introduced.

What gives?

–Curious Gadget


Inspector Gadget

Also some corp hopping in 2013 (and additional posts then too):



Hmmmm…the narrative is looking suspicious now.

To fulfill your hope and dreams

I left Fractured Space to come back to Eve. Wins and losses in FS mean nothing, it’s just a brain-dead pew sim.

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