Gankers and freighters, a request for discussion. Not a BJ RANT

Starts with the header “Not a BJ RANT” and then goes on to say “I knew Burn Jita was coming. Looking through the destruction that’s been going…” and then uses BJ as the foundation for the entire argument.

What did you lose?

In EVE, there is no plausible explanation for why a mass travelling at 1km/s (sub-warp speeds), should not cause damage to itself and whatever it impacts with.

That same principle is why projectiles/hybrids cause damage.
The shells impact with the target, just the same as a vessel would impact with the target. Its a mass impacting with the target, and delivers damage either via kinetic or ordnance force.

Warp is a separate issue, and beyond the purview of bumping.
You cant “warp” bump anything.

Why change a very detailed explanation as to why to bumping is bumping and not ramming tho…

It might be made up but with magnetic fields is still based on reality in a way…
They’re infinitely sttong magnets, except they all have inverse polarity to each other

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On the bumping issue, OMG please do implement damage from bumping!
I would get in a battleship and I don’t think I’d ever leave the Jita undock.

You have 30s undock invulnerability to bumps and targeting, unless you break it with player action.

Ok, bro.

You have 30s undock invulnerability to bumps and targeting, unless you break it with player action.

Oh, trust me, I’d be breaking the invulnerability with player action alright.
I’d have a ball playing dodgems with everyone trying to align.


Ypu can already do that, by bumping them.

The only difference would be both you and the target you impact with would take damage according to mass.

You didn’t watch the video
Because that’s in the video

#Salvos4CSM /s

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"B…But… Mah Bumping!!1"
“B…But… Thah Videoh!!2”

Wouldn’t you rather ram targets than bounce off them?

Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying :slight_smile:

There would still be people like you crying that I rammed you do death with a remore-repped orca :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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I haven’t cried in over 20yrs.

The whole point of my suggestion is you can indeed ram people till they explode.

Think before you post.

If you want to ram ships go play Space Engineers


Id rather ram them in EVE.

If you don’t want ramming, go play ELITE, solo.

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What’s next? Removing Doomsday and giving titan inty agility so they can ram fleets to death? :joy::joy::joy:

Listen to yourself

You will have to wait and see.

Whats next is hardly relevant to what is now being discussed.

Nice try though.

Spam some more emojis and troll.

What kind of carebear are you that you would rather BOUNCE off a target, than RAM them?

Me thinks you protest too much.

Does RAMMING scare you?

Considering that this is veering far from the actual topic…

Could you ram anyone? Or would you still need for the target to be suspect or risk CONCORdokken?

Much easier to accidentally “ram” than to accidentally shoot.

–Curious Gadget

My initial draft is if you inflict more than 5% of their EHP on the impact, you are flagged suspect.

Obviously ramming a suspect ship wont make you suspect, nor CONCORDOKKEN.