Let me correct one thing on your correction and throw in a few pointers on why AG is hard.
There was the intent to aggress, they moved towards him with the intent to point, with a catalyst fleet using your MWD to get away from the warp in spot is key, if the Atron had got a scram on the HFI then they would have ganked him. Shows how little you know.
Both the Atron and Gnosis use tags so they can loiter and cannot be pre-aggressed, tags were a significant buff to ganking, as is tethering by the way.
Correct, you redeem yourself here, however this is one of the reasons why priming modules does not work for AG.
Indeed it was a fail on every jam, but he had the wrong jammers on two of the three and ECM is chance based and easily countered with ECCM scripts with Sensor boosters.
AG is hard…
By the way in reply to another post you made, I think that I have had two temp bans, maybe three, the first was when Dom Akaral came after me on every post flagging CCP Falcon and the ISD, which ended up with him getting a total ban and me getting punished for his insanity? The other was for replying to an off-topic post that Destiny made and I was deemed naughty but he was not? That cost CCP a years worth of subs on my two main accounts, total cost €360.
PS I linked your post, both yours and Destiny’s break the forum rules, as does a part of mine, so if my one gets removed and yours do not I will add this to my ISD dossier…