I had wondered about mining lasers and how they always hit their target.
Are you sure it’s steel?
Why not “Handwavium,” which is like, 100X more dense, because after all, this is a fictional setting.
No kidding ! Have a Nobel Prize.
So they can’t just fictionally make that ‘inertia’ go away ? I mean they made the 400 G the capsuleer endures just vanish using ‘space goo’.
When you find a moment, do a quick forum search on the term bucko and check the past references whom it was directed towards. Should give you another giggle.
Sure, they could “handwave” it away. The question is, did the Lore Jockies define it or not.
I think you should do a deep lore study and find out.
10 m3 is actually quite small. I mean one is talking about something the size of 10 boxes 3 feet by 3 feet by 3 feet…for the ‘packaged’ device. That would sit quite comfortably in my living room…with room to spare. So even using Eve’s own metrics it is not as huge and inertia laden as you suggest.
It’s not a question of moving the turret, but more a matter of keeping the beam aimed precisely and continuously at the heat impact zone for the full lifecycle of the pulse. Lasers have poor tracking because they need to hit more than once, billions of times. They actually teach this at capsuleer academy…
To anyone who has a formal educational background in relativistic physics (even solely classically) it’s pretty clear you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Hey…I moved 2.5bn worth of ships and stuff while you gankers were too preoccupied with that
Lol…no…you’ll just have to use your vast knowledge of relativity to tell me what’s wrong. I’m waiting…don’t let time dilation cause too late a response. I have quite correctly stated that a turret does not need to be rotating at the speed of light due to the very simple geometry that the distance the end of the turret has to travel is vastly less than the target travels.
If I see a plane fly past at 500mph, and I rotate my head to see it, that does not mean my head has to rotate at 500mph.
You’re making some huge assumptions here. It’s not just about mass.
You’ll need to come up with a schematic, materials used. Points of friction. Friction coefficients. Induction coefficients for the motors used. The loss of heat due to induction, which causes the motors to slow. And don’t forget, that lasers use relatively high voltages and amprages, so ceramics would have to be used. That those have massive effects on, induction as well. Not to mention, that E=mc^2 so with each shot there will be heat loss do to recoil, so a spring coefficient will be needed, and calculate out how long it takes for a reset, not to mention loss of entropy that will effect the expansion of the materials causing expansion, and thus change friction on a moment by moment basis.
That would depend on how far you are from the plane. Your head would have to rotate close to 500mph if you’re only a few inches away.
Er, no…nice attempt at arguing against some straw man point I haven’t made and then conflating it with every term you could find in a physics dictionary. Meanwhile I’ve already pointed out that even as far back as 1940 a 135 ton turret ( that’s more massive than any projectile turret in Eve, using Eve’s own metrics ) could already be rotated at 12 degrees per second.
Frostpacker accepts that award and shall turn that noble prize into a medal within my Corp.
Thanks you forever!
Not sure how this is a straw man argument. All I’m saying is, did you take “physics” into account?
This statement right here, is proof that you’re not interested in an intelligent discussion. You just want to be “right.”
Careful, you’re letting your narcissism show, again.
But you know what, don’t let me stop you from being “right” in your ignorance. You can be “right” all you want.
People who are right do generally want to be right.
Intelligent discussion ? Let me know when there’s some to see.
There, fixed it for you.
Now it matches your MO more accurately.
Dangerously starting to sound like Lucas Kell there. Especially when he was backed into a corner and squirming to get out…
I’m neither responsible for your lack of education, nor for correcting it, and certainly not your sour „I have to be right“ pearl clutching attitude.