Ganking is the only consistent and "fair" content

Yes. Antimatter is the way, the truth and the life.

Whatever you need to tell yourself as you cry in your tacky gold ship with your flashy lights.

Antimatter is superior, and Void is a variant thereof, therefore you do acknowledge antimatter is the superior.

One day you will mature enough to put away the flashy lights.

I notice in your test you did not use Void. We all know why.

You know, there was another who roamed here who used semantics day and night to defend his points. It saddens me you have fallen into the same trap.

She has fallen into old patterns sadly. I feel her growth as a pilot has been stunted by falling into one particular career choice.

All I glean from this, is that antimatter is better.

I made this very same point. Mayhap it proves if you fight monsters too long, you do indeed become them?



In other words you can’t tell me what’s wrong with what I said because you just made up that you actually had a clue. Pretty much par for the course on the forums. 99% of these type of arguments consist of…

A : ’ You’re wrong…and I’m an expert on quantum mechanics’
B : ’ OK then…use your vast knowledge of QM to tell me what’s wrong’
A : ’ Oh no…it’s not my job to educate you’
B : ’ In other words you don’t actually know anything about QM’

…rinse and repeat and insert 100 times into every thread in the forum.


Oh gawd…you’ve now dug such a deep hole of semantic and straw man absurdities that you’re gonna pop out at Sydney Opera House any moment.

i can tell you whats wrong … you are using the imperial system and not the far better metric system !

but yes ! you dont need to move yorur head with 804,672 km/h if you wanna look at a plane on the air !

this is false ! if someone dont want to educate you then its not the meaning of " i dont know and thats the reason why i dont tell you " its meaning " i dont wanna explain it to you "

That’s totally wrong…and I feel no incentive whatever to explain why. It’s just wrong. I say so.

this is just because your not educated !

its your goddamn right !

just because you know about something does not mean you need to explain it to the whole world !
but if your wrong your still be wrong ! and you ARE wrong !

That’s wrong !

( what’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander )

Just decided to side with you on this debate!

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then explain me everything you know !

good that my posts go into the goose xD yours came out of it :stuck_out_tongue:

Nooo…if nobody else needs to then neither do I.

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Your brain would start to ooze antimatter if you knew what we know

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then you said by yourself → you know nothing cause you dont wanna explain !


Again you’re trying to make an argument from a word of advice.

All I’ve done with this entire conversation was answer your question, which you promptly dismissed and began to argue with. This is because you have absolutely no interest in listening to anyone on what they have to say because you’ve convinced yourself that the only thing anyone has anything of value to offer is, yourself. Again, you’re not interested in learning or education. You’re only interested in being right.

Why would he waste time explaining it to you when you’re not interested in learning and will simply dismiss his explanation? Just like you did here when I tried to show you that need to take physics into account with your overly simplified example.

As I said, you can be right in your own ignorance as much as you want. Don’t let me stop you.

Void is really nice. Especially for ganking. And brawling pvp. I love my dual web void merlin pvp setup.

But it does suffer from short range issues and can easily be kited.

Barrage is good when you want a bit of range. I use that for my battle venture taking out other ventures in low. And with my dual neut Dragoon.

Scorch is amazing with the confessor. Nice range and damage.

But don’t be fooled, an old CODE. Ganking corp known as the Honey Brights was very successful using Coercers with x-ray crystals.

Use ammo appropriate for the situation, and every situation is different.


Frosty as usual picks the wrong side.

No Frosty. You don’t know what you think.

Do stop projecting.

And what makes you think you are in a position to teach me anything? Isn’t that somewhat arrogant ?

That’s why I went for Javelins. They have longer range.

I haven’t even seen this ammo yet. Probably because I have Market and Fitting filtered by my skills. I will look into the Barrage.

Will have to try that ammo too once I have the skills.

Thanks a lot!

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@Ax_l_Thorne is a serial killer serving multiple life sentances with no chance of parole. She has learnt a thing or two inside. I wouldn’t understimate her as she has a thing or two that she could teach you except how not to get caught in the first place.

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Nothing in the technical description of Void says it is antimatter…

“The Void Xenon charge is a high-powered blaster charge that delivers an extremely powerful blast of kinetic energy.”