Ganking makes Eve a better place

Hi Ramona, I think it’s clear by now which of your statements applies.

If you enter an adult discussion with the mindset of an adolescent texter, you are bound to appear foolish. That this didn’t occur to the poster and give her pause for thought further convinces me that she has neither the skills to troll effectively nor the urge carefully to consider her points of view.

As usual, you have trumped me in the succinct expression of this view!

EDIT: Rogue letter ‘r’

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Her dumb replies just hurt my brain with their inconsistant application of what passes for logic.

Im sure its probaby just a poor troll and Im feeding it by talking to or about it but what can I say, I have my own complusions.

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what the ■■■■

And pigs fly

Did You Know…?

People think Nostradamus predicted the aeroplane when he said
“Men-like pigs will fly” referencing the oxygen mask of a Second World War fighter pilot.

But what he actually said was

“Men, like pigs, will fly”

Meaning he didnt think manned flight would be possible.

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Lol…its on par with arguing with flat earthers. Utter evasiveness, and it always ends with ’ your mom sucks ’ or some other highly intellectual riposte.

Avoid systems with high traffic (Jumps per 24H) (Kills per 24H). Use and find a system with 12+ belts and low traffic using the parameters I just stated then profit.

I just solved every newbies gank problem.

I too, have solved the Uedama problem. It isn’t my fault they won’t use the tool.

Men do not fly, airplanes do.

Men do not walk, their shoes do.

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You’re right in the sense that men can walk without shoes and men cannot fly without flying equipment.

Men can however fly without airplanes:

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That is a type of airplane.

Airplanes are kind of defined by their fixed wings though, and I don’t see any in that video.

Fixed wing is a glider, an airplane has an engine of some sort. A man can walk with or without shoes, he cannot fly without either a fixed wing or a motor, without a motor he is merely gliding. Still we are getting a little pedantic. Fun though… :stuck_out_tongue:

What about air balloons? They neither glide, have no wings and while you could add a motor to steer, they usually fly without motor.

One can argue that the engine heating up the air is a motor, one can also suggest that Helium or Hydrogen is a sort of motor in that it is lighter than air, again I am being pedantic. :stuck_out_tongue: Injecting helium or hydrogen into a man is not going to make him fly so he is using some artificial means to fly, while he does not need artificial means to walk. Unless he is injured in some way of course…

As in EVE, it entirely depends on the circumstances.

Put a man out in 0 gravity in outer space (in a suit of course, we don’t want to kill him) and he’ll be able to fly by himself, but not walk.

You are changing the parameters a tad.

It’s good to be able to think outside of the box! :wink: