Don’t beat yourself up. You can always try mining.
I think the “plane” aspect of airplane is referring to its fixed wings.
Lol. The economics of ganking ? A lesson ? Well…er…7 cheap ships fitted with nothing but turrets and enough ammo to do the job…vs some Procurer or other ship where the whole idea is to make profit and thus keep the money in Eve. I mean the whole idea of suicide ganking is NOT to spend too much. Economics ?
Perhaps for some gankers, yes, Cilla.
Personally, I never counted the overall cost. The ships may be cheap, but they are also the best tools for many of the jobs - and it is this which makes them useful, not just the cost.
EVE’s a video game, an entertainment. I spend as much or as little as I wish on such things. If I am not wasteful of, for example, ammo, it is because there is a certain pleasure in precision, for me.
I should have said just fixed wing, in any case it was in reply to a picture with a man having a flying suit. My comment stands, without an engine a fixed wing aircraft is a glider.
The fact that you don’t understand the role of exploding ships in terms of EVE’s economy tells me you are ill equipped for this argument.
Ha he nearly got me to reply to him there.
Happy cake day @Ramona_McCandless
Aw sweet ty
I had to look it up:
Pedantic is an insulting word used to describe someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise, especially in some narrow or boring subject matter.
I like to be honest.
Still no sign of Dom Firebrand in Uedama…
He was there briefly before DT, made a song and dance about going to Uedama in the AG channel and announced that he was creating mayhem in lowsec a couple of sectors away to create some anticipation of his impending arrival, he duly arrived at the Sivala gate in a Megathron, he was able to see that I was in Uedama, so mentioned that I was in local which I did not reply to. He then left after a short period of strutting around, was awesome.
It is at times like this that I truly realise how much ganking is adding to the game.
No…it’s you who don’t seem to comprehend that if the gankers make a profit then the ‘loss’ to the Eve economy is minimal. The whole idea of ganking for profit is to minimise loss, so the notion that ganking is controlling inflation in Eve is just nonsense. And given that they can grab some miner’s ore, in what conceivable sense is the amount of ore in Eve reduced ? If they destroyed the ore, that would reduce the Eve economy…but I doubt that ganking makes even a pin-prick of difference to that economy. A dozen or so cheaply armed Catalysts is peanuts in the scheme of things.
In fact, it could actually be argued that forcing miners to tank up, and the costs that involves ( about an extra 12m ISK for my Procurer ) is actually inflating the Eve economy !
What’s funny is you only look at it from one perspective. I realize you haven’t probably haven’t even taken a basic econ class, so I understand why you don’t understand.
Ganking is good for EVE’s economy. It is one of the methods of checks and balances. Its also a viable playstyle to make ISK for yourself LOL.
I was waiting for this comment. You realize timezones, and lives outside the game matter right? I AG when bored and for the lulz. AGing doesn’t mean you devote your entire in-game time to it, unless you want or someone’s paying you LOL.
I find this perspective more destructive to AGing than anything else. What I find hilarious is you and Drac blab so much on the forums about ganking, yet do absolutely nothing about it. I respect the gankers far more than either of you. Why? They are actually playing the game. They are creating content. They are doing what gankers do.
I know, playing the game for fun is so weird right? What I find funny is you sat in system and did nothing to stop the gankers. When I sit at the gate, they tend not to gank but I could only spare a bit of time before I had to do other things.
What makes me cackle is you could have fit up and went out there, but you stayed docked up. Honestly, Thotamon deserves a statue in Uedama honestly. He does far more for the movement than you or Razorback.
Keep on stalking me tho I love that I was able to bully you into actually undocking and coming to Uedama at least. Next step is fitting up and undocking.
We still waiting for your proof you’ve played since 03
Lol…there’s one person claiming that ganking controls inflation, while another claims that ganking expands the economy. You guys are hilarious. And then you want to lecture on economics.
The point being that ganking is NOT affecting the economy because of your claim of ‘destroyed ships’. The destroyed ships are actually a minimal economic part of ganking. The real economic impact, far larger, is all those extra shield extenders, boosters, bulkheads, yada, yada fitted as a direct result of fear of ganking…to ships 99% of which will never be ganked.
I just started Eve last week. What do you mean?
I agree that ganking could be fun…the whole game is supposed to be fun. I may well gank myself one day. But the other day I rolled up to some oblivious noob in a Venture, in my Algos with 5 drones and a bunch of antimatter armed turrets. Basic Venture is only 290 EHP…no problem.
Could have wiped him out…but it would not have been fun. But those big mining fleet Orcas…now that WOULD be fun as they have billions and what’s not to hate about massive corporations.