Getting bumped in a freight highsec should make the bumper flagged

And how is that even relevant ?

The opinion you have of myself, since you are such obtuse and dissipated person, bothers me not.
Especially when it’s definitely not on the point.

Really, if I asked your opinion on myself, then I would give a single fck.
The truth is, I don’t. So next time I just won’t reply about your completely useless opinion because… well, you are an idiot.

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Make up your mind, people are not ‘bypassing Concord intervention’ if it’s not against Concord’s rules. I’m surprised you’re too stupid to understand that, when it’s all I said and you even admit it’s true.


facepalm… if it was in game mechanism then people would not ask for that change.

Just because something is not illegal does not mean the law can’t be changed to make it illegal .

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It is on the point, because the nerfs you ask for will not satisfy you so therefore there is a hidden agenda, a carebear agenda.


my tinfoil hat is set, go on.

BTW what you do is an argument by ignorance “I don’t know therefore I will affirm a random explanation is the only one possible”

AKA “what is affirmed without a proof, is dismissed without a proof”.

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Well, it’s undeniable that - no matter what - people will stll be whining about how freighters are getting exploded and how it needs to be nerfed (one last time). Anyone thinking that ignoring history is a good idea is just perpetually repeating the same mistakes.

But yeah, sure, when dumb people rather want to pretend that every single change always happens in isolation from all the others then HEY … be my guest!

CCP is ignoring you anyway.


And that’s not an argument.

There will always be people complaining about things. According to you this means there is no room for discussion. No reason to change.
Now look again at history, and tell me again that just people will keep complaining again, the devs don’t take any change.

It’s not about being heard by CCP (I don’t have that opinion of myself) . It’s about discussing about something that people like or not in the game, and the feeling they have about it.

And then YOU make it something personal. And talk about vested interest. Ho the irony.
And you aggress people, and you make strawman here and there, and you troll.
If you ever had a point, this attitude of yours is not giving it any credit.

LOL it cracks me up how you consistently demonstrate that you don’t understand what these logical fallacies you love to point out actually are and mean. You realize that it takes the punch out of them when you throw them around and misapply them in such a way.


Tell me more. You seem very butt hurt and can’t afford to talk to a specialist, I’ll be glad to help you.

You should step away from the computer again, because you seriously lost it.
Please, try taking a break. You’re acting increasingly unreasonable.

You can discuss it all you want. I don’t care. Nothing’s going to change that most of you aren’t equipped talking about most things EVE and that no one who matters cares about this ■■■■■■■■ anyway.

In the end, this isn’t about bumping. It’s about One More Nerf™, just like all the other times before. People like you are literally puppets for the few assholes who keep trying making non-issues look like serious problems.

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Read the topic title again. Then read that sentence of yours.

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Do you also believe wrestling is real because they say so?

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You may well be a specialist, seeing that the majority of what you say seems to come from your butt anyway.


Yeah you seem to need it too.

I believe that when someone says he wants to talk about something, and you talk about something else, you are rude. Then when you assert they have hidden agenda, without any proof of such, you are derailing the thread. And of course, when you distort their discourse to make it say something different you are making a strawman.

Basically I believe you lack the intellectual skills to discuss the topic, and out of feeling powerless you try to derail it. Well, that’s actually what you decided to show us.

FWIW people CAN have a discussion about a topic without having a vested interest in it (people can even discuss about a topic they don’t have interest in - basically that’s required to make science). You not being able to accept this, only talks about your lack of discussion skills / experience.

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I’m afraid your arrogant ‘anyone who disagrees with me must be mad or stupid’ attitude doesn’t help either your case or your arguments - I suspect most of us have been around forums long enough to recognise a blowhard when we see one…

lol . Nope.
When your argument is empty, there is nothing more to add.

I’m afraid the emptiness of your post doesn’t help either your case or your argument - I suspect most of us have been around forums long enough to recognize a blowhard when we see one…

See ? your argument fits perfectly with yourself.

The bumping mechanics follow newtons mechanic in this game. You can’t actually bump a Freighter with a frigate to great effect. But I really wonder why that myth comes up again and again.

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Because you can with a cruiser. so people use slight overstatement. Yes people use a Battleship more now, because they make so much Isk from bumping they can afford Machs.

The way bumping works is an issue, because it takes control away from the player in a way almost nothing else does. Webs, Scrams, none of these things actually remove control, they limit actions but they don’t deny actions.
However… there isn’t really a viable solution that also keeps any immersion which doesn’t equally have worse issues, so bumping is what we have to live with.

But that doesn’t mean that there can’t be systems put in place to limit that denial of control, be these allowance to warp regardless of bumping after a certain time, or far better slots, fittings, etc for Freighters so they can regain control by pulsing prop mods or other ways.


But, what if you bump me with your freighter? Should I get to kill your defenseless ship?

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