Getting bumped in a freight highsec should make the bumper flagged

So if I put my ship in front of another moving ship I can flag anyone as a suspect and freely attack them? I don’t think you’ve thought this one through…

There is no way to determine who the ‘bumper’ is when two ships collide, without it being abused by those evil people who want to kill your ship in high sec.

We would not abuse this mechanic.

Others, perhaps.

But this one would only be used in just and socially acceptable manners.

I promise. Please make this happen CCP.


haha man, the antigankers and dumb as rocks carebears are hilarious

I find ganking and bumping plenty fun and engaging, more so than sitting there mining space rocks

Another qq thread about a small handfull of elite players dumpstering you with their raw skill and you losers doing nothing but crying on forums :rofl:


Simple and perfect fix without drawbacks:
As soon as you hit Warp, you can not be bumbed anymore.
Gives the Middlefinger to Gank Psychos. You will still be able to defend against toxic Carebears.

Problem solved.

Bumpers will simply wait at a gate for the target to exit warp.


One word:

Bouncy Shields. :+1:

Bumpers could always set up two pairs of anchored cans as goal posts for some extra entertainment.


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And two teams of 11 bumpers?

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I was think more 5 a side, 11 would be messy, but hilarious.

On that note, there’s also space Buzkashi.

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So if bumping causes damage undocks will be flagged Everytime you undock… Jita would be flag heaven…

If bumping causes damage Titans should be able to ram everything from cruiser’s down to death.

Ramming Speed!!!

the matter is not about ganker being able to gank. The matter is of using a mechanism to bypass concord intervention.

I like that “no bump after warp started”. It’s like what CCP talked about, that is 3min timer … just shorter.

Then what happens when we adapt to that and frieghters still die? What will be the next nerf you lobby for?


Remove PVP from hisec?

Oh wait, thats already been lobbied for.


Have a strawman award.
I mean you could equally say that it’s been lobbied for high sec to be removed therefore anyone who doesn’t want to let bumped ships eventually warp wants high sec removed.
The two are not automatically connected.

You are not ‘bypassing Concord intervention’ if CCP have decided Concord intervention isn’t required for bumping. You’re inventing a ‘crime’ when none exists, stick with the facts.

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That’s called inference.
People infer (because that’s how our brain works) rules from situations that repeat. It’s not about being good or bad to do so (it’s bad, but it’s the only way to enjoy a game).
The more exceptions you have to rules, the more annoying it becomes to follow the rules. To the point we move from game “depth” to game “cumbersomeness”. An example of that is the way Aura tells you to orbit the rats in the NPE. It’s stupid, but at the same time it’s needed to have a single rule to follow : orbit the rats to kill them.

It’s the same for concord. People don’t remember the list of items that actually create a suspect/criminal action. And the rule that they infer from Concord reaction if “if it reduces my mobility or harms my assets then it becomes criminal” . That’s why people don’t understand why killing mtu only gives suspect, but understand that festival launchers don’t. Even if they don’t formulate this, the brain process information to create the most generic rules.

So yes it’s not written in any rule of the game. Actually no rule is written for concord. When you start the game you can’t say in advance the real ruling. That’s why people make this general ruling. And from the general case, it’s “if you impend someone ability to act or harm his assets you get concordoken”.
The fact that bumping allows you to prevent someone from warping and does not produce a criminal flag like the point does, is thus absurd.

Of course we are all talking about modifying the concord rules, which means we KNOW they do not forbid bumping so far - otherwise we would not have asked for it. You must be particularly stupid to not understand this.

But what happens when you get the silly changes you want, but the gankers just adapt and freighters die all the same?


I dunno, let me check my magic crystal ball … It says it get shoved in your butt !! How convenient !

If you want a correct answer make a correct question.
also don’t give me opinions I don’t have, or powers I don’t have .

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Whoa, calm down. I’m just asking you to imagine what your reaction will be if they were to implement the changes you want but it having no affect on freighter death.

My guess is that you won’t just accept the fact that EVE is a game where carebears in freighters die sometimes.