Hypernet Relay has zero sum issues, and as a security (if that was the intended tool for players it was designed to be) is rather awful. Also, the capital flow just seems meant to evaporate ISK out of the Eve economy. Finally, it is full on casino, with all the social issues that can bring.
Functioning stock market, with shares, to be wealth management securities and give players something other than PLEX to get their capital out of ISK, and commodities. Will help be a pseudo drain by creating a place to put capital to work, in a diversified fashion, but also on the sidelines to change amount of ISK in circulation. I.E., another lever for addressing inflationary / deflationary pressures in Eve.
Functioning forwards/futures contracts, that actually do speculation not gambling. The risk of commodity prices exists no matter what, therefore the productization of it is speculation (not gambling where risk is introduced by the act such as a coin toss uncertainty). Also, despite what some say, futures markets are not zero-sum game as willing buyers and sellers clear the market and exchange takes place. This is much more desirable to both the player base, and CCP, over zero-sum issues that HyperNet Relay introduces. And as above, a better lever for everyone as market participants benefit from efficient market hypothesis, by the market clearing realities of daily settlements, i.e., sanity checking on commodities supply and demand for a longer time frame than the immediate regional markets.
Finally, introducing securities like these in Eve offer substantial risk that require due diligence, but also great potential reward.