Well after that, can there be anything but a lock incoming?
I’m sure we’ll get an automated response by CCP on this matter shortly.
I Imagine only fraternity will be able to field titans in this new reality, they will be able to replace them, bot usage will be mandatory because of amount of actual work people would have to put into it. Beating the game, but the serenity way, efficient automation.
Live in the lie, die in it.
So wait you post a bunch of information showing how easy it is to bot in EvE online as proof that there isnt botting in EvE online?
I think this bot is bugged.
lilsteel intentions were always mysteriously occluded to mortals.
I gave up reading those posts a long time ago; they almost make sense which is scarier than the fascination with law enforcement and military tinfoil.
I’m going with the ghost in the machine, complete with some semblance of consciousness.
If the Gila’s were in hand, then they wouldn’t be botting…
–Gadget thoughts
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