GILA Drone Stack HP Now Inferior to All Other Drone Boats

While the total amount of drone HP in space for all Gila drones combined is less than that of other drone boats, the drone HP per drone is still bigger than that of other drone ships, which results in a faster regenerating shield for Gila drones.

Also, you can bring a lot more drones in a Gila so the total drone HP in your drone bay is much bigger.


The bigger question is, why does the Gila get 12 effective drones worth of damage when the Worm only gets 8 and the Rattlesnake only gets 7.5?

Did you notice as well?

It’s a thing that’s been going on for months, if not years. The vast majority of posts, where people are complaining about ■■■■, are written by people who in no way or form appear to be able of forming a single coherent, conscious thought.

Fascinating, isn’t it?


You not beeing able to follow them is no proof that their english is the problem :slight_smile:

The lack of coherent thought is the problem. That shows up in broken English even for native speakers.


Wow, another intelligent suggestion in the same vein as the rest of your garbage. You kids off from school today? Present a coherent argument and a proposal for an issue and we’ll all listen. Just posting garbage and insults doesn’t move your position forward at all. It was obvious that the Gila needed some type of nerf and as CCP’s nerfs usually run, this one was relatively mild.

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You won’t still fit drone durability enhancer rigs, what should CCP do to encourage the use of them?

Wow, you guys just drone on and on and on…

Merging this post into the discussion thread for balance changes.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Devblog: Spring Balance Update Incoming!