Jams, yes. But everything else seems to be a fantasy.
A single defender launcher from a dragoon or confessor or even dictor (which are in every null sec fleet) will stop two bombs.
Cap transfers have ranges above 70km. I do not see how webs interferes with that. And logi pilots and anchored (usually to a monitor), so Damps isn’t going to do it either assuming they have Info Links.
Jams are the only effective means, which is fine, because the Guardian/Basi needs to have at least one reliable weakness.
And I never asked for neuts to be changed, until you said that having blanket immunity to neuts was fine for Guardians and Basilisks (which you have affirmed again with the statement "Yes, if you’re bringing neuts to combat a fleet using a cap chain, you better use those neuts on a different ship than the logi. ").
I personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with general immunity to neuts for the Guardian/Basi, which is why I don’t think there’s anything wrong with general immunity to damps and Jams for the Oneiros/Scimi. As it stands, the Guardian will always be the fleet choice, because Dampening Ships and Jaming ships can also be…damped, but that requires additional bodies (pilots) to counter damp them, whereas Guardians/Scimi don’t require extra pilots to support them against neuts.
Hence why the Guardian/Basi are the kings of null sec.
5% per level on remote sebos will make the Oner/Scimi viable choices in blobfests (btw, I enjoy blobfests). I don’t know about you, but as a logi pilot, I hate being jammed all the time, don’t you? I’d like to fly an Oneir or Scimi with better speed so the enemy actually has to use some brains cells to find a way to neut me.
I’d even be happy with huge reduction on Repping Range for this bonus (that way the Oneiros has to rep closer to enemy neuts).