Giveaway for rookies and helpful veterans!

Not sure if this is allowed but you could put a link in new citizens or something, this place took me 3 days to find. Apart from that, not sure there is much you can do. Maybe reach out to some of the more known people to tell others but I don’t know if they will want to do that. There are also a bunch of discords regarding helping new players that you could partner with or something. I think rvb has a discord and so does horde or some other new player friendly large corps.

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Kinda off topic, and correct me if I’m wrong.

When a new player joins the forums, the only categories they see are…

General discussion.
Crime and Punishment.
Out of Pod Experience.
Skill Discussion.

I don’t see a New Player Experience category?

Maybe you could do more good for new players if you could get CCP to add such an update? There are so many good vetted 3rd party links out there that there should be an easy way to find them on the forums. New players should not have to go anywhere else for good advice, fits, playstyles, etc.

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I only saw this:

What part of this would make me click on communication center…

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Ok, I was not sure.

Yea I am not sure why they made it so weird forums were very confusing.

I guess the words I’m looking for are guide or index/list? Something I could click on and scroll down looking for keywords like “gank” that would bring me to a link about ganking. Meh…

If you go to the magnifying glass at the top right hand side, it should look like this …

Screenshot 2021-02-15 at 4.06.51 pm
… and then type in ‘gank’ you should get 50+ results (I just did this). You can then refine the results to drill down to what you really want to read about.

Hope that’s helpful!


Yeah, but it seems few know it’s use or how to use it. :neutral_face:

Pay back Eve players by funding multiple wardecs on CODE. for the next 3 months.

Giving crap to a few individuals that will most likely go AWOL for months does nothing to show appreciation.

Because if there’s anything a bunch of -10 outlaws are afraid of, it’s high-sec war. :sunglasses:


I don’t know why so many people have a problem with CODE.
They’re easy to ignore, just leave their stomping grounds. Don’t mine near jita. That should be obvious anyway. I tell people in rookie chat all the time to spread out away from where CODE. operates.

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CODE came late for me so they don’t bother me. Before them were griefers which were probably even worse because there was no concord response back then, but less in numbers than CODE are now?

If you want to get rid of CODE, CCP has to give them something better to do.

Need your in game name. I know it’s muad dib, from dune. But the spelling please

If you click his portrait on the forums it shows his forum profile card which has his forum name (with the _ underline character as spaces and special characters) and the in-game name as well without that, both listed separately.

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In the game my name is written and spelled as Mu’ad Diib @Clary_Daemon. In case it’s easier, I’ll also send you an in-game email.


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1 large skill injector sent to mu’ad diib, Gerard amatin, duke shasta.
I was going to do 2 each for the only 2 contributors, but then we got a 3rd.

Giveaway is closed.
However, I will be looking at ways to start a good program and will likely spam ads for it in all the starting systems


Throughly decent of you @Clary_Daemon.

As I said earlier, I’d help newbies irrespective of this giveaway, because when I was a newbie, others helped me, and I like to pass the positivity forward. Having said this, your gift of a skill injector is both generous and a really nice gesture, so thanks.

Keep being awesome. EVE needs more pilots like you in it.


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Thank you @Clary_Daemon, your gift is appreciated!

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