OMG, you people are imbeciles, the meaning of Shrills is a perfect fit for all the trash posting you do…
The definition of shrill is someone or something that is loud and high-pitched, or that is loud and forceful, betraying some strong emotion or attitude in an exaggerated amount, as antagonism or defensiveness.
Calling someone a “ganker ‘shrill’” doesn’t make contextual sense with the definition you are positing. Obvious desperate reach is obvious and desperate.
‘Shrill’ is an adjective in modern English usage.
‘Shill’ is a noun in modern English usage.
Only someone who was labouring mightily (and ineffectually) would attempt to use the one where the other might be expected.
At a stretch, genuine comedians have messed about with language in order to raise a chuckle. They might even have used the device attempted by Dracvlad.
Alas, Dracvlad is no comedian, though he probably does chuckle at his own supposed wit.
With repetition, the most infectious humour is apt to turn dry and, eventually, to crumble away. Perhaps he will take this gentle hint…
According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary it can also be a Verb or a Noun, depending on how it is used in a sentence. Maybe do some actual research next time before trying to get technical.
Anyway, the definition that I posted earlier is a perfect example of all the constant attempts to dismiss the context of how that word was used…
I appreciate the bit of wordplay there. …then again…I do sometimes enjoy stupid humour rather more than I probably should…so maybe take that as you will…
Speaking of words… @Dracvlad …it has always seemed a little strange to me that you go on for years about how people rearranging virtual spaceship pixels in a virtual game world based on rearranging virtual spaceship pixels are eeeevil sociopath psychos etc etc - yet name your “noble and virtuous” character in that virtual world after a person who irl was so amazingly cruel that they became infamous for their cruelty in a time of general extreme cruelty. I mean, there is a reason Vlad Dracul / Vlad Tepes was called “Vlad the impaler” and the legend of dracula had it’s origin in his aura.
…but ok…w/e…not the biggest deal, just a tad odd considering all your long-term virtual “virtuousness”.
but…you are not the game…not even the center of the forums “game”…Why would anyone care about you blocking them for two weeks or whatever?
I did not say ‘Shrill’ could not be a verb or noun. I said that in modern English usage it would be an adjective.
We speak modern English here on the forums.
Look, I don’t want to seem rude, but you dispute in a way which is similar to that employed by a certain other poster. You pick a point, attempt to shoot it down, only to discover that you didn’t properly read and inwardly digest the text in the first place.
Учиться читать! As they say in - well - Russia, I suppose.
Even though this section is for English (some use broken English, some use slang English and some use proper English), there’s actually a few different languages used here in the Forums.
Actually that was your intent right from the start, and your posting is very similar to a certain other poster as well…
People use nominalized adjectives when they’re trying to be edgy or funny (e.g. calling someone “a poor”). I don’t think Vladdie is the jokester type, though—he just wanted his words to sting a little.
This forum’s entire Axis of Misery (consisting of about half a dozen boomers spending 99% of their time complaining about the peeveepees, other posters, the mods not punishing their adversaries enough, etc.) needs to spend about 500 hours watching stand-up comedy and reading vintage Mad Magazine issues to loosen up their sphincters enough so that they can condition themselves to stop responding to everyone they disagree with as if someone is twisting a knife in their back.
If you always think of yourself as a victim, you’ll always be one.
OMFG, I can’t believe people are still trying to turn this into a big deal. Please keep track of how the conversation has progressed.
I thought it was a typo, then found it wasn’t and did a google search for the definition of the word, got multiple results for how the word is used and picked the most appropriate definition that fit the current situation / usage in this thread and posted it. Then someone decided to say that definition wasn’t valid because the word was only an adjective. After checking Merriam-Webster for verification that the word, depending on how it’s used in a sentence, can also be a Noun or a Verb, I posted that info, not the definition.
You wanna see where I got the definition, do a google search for the meaning of the word. Jeeze, now y’all nothing but a bunch of Shrills…
Except the definitions you posted are for adjective usage, and it is being used as a noun in a way not consistent with the noun definition.
One can act in a shrill manner; that does not make them a shrill.
It’s fine that Dracvlad wants to repurpose it for joke reasons, but trying to claim his usage is dictionary-backed when it is not is going to fall flat.