GM please close as Dracvlad is being a tool

Don’t care. o/

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It was pretty bad when DMC tried to rewrite EVE’s history, but now he’s trying to rewrite the English language too? Is nothing sacred anymore? Won’t someone think of the children?

/me faints dramatically

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GAWD, this just keeps going round in circles. Depending on the sentence structure, that word can also be used as a Verb or as a Noun which is verified by Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary.

I only posted one definition of the word and if you had actually done a google search you would have seen it along with many others, all of which are indeed dictionary-backed.

You and your buddies with issues about that word or it’s usage can take it up with Dracvlad. I’m done dealing with all the Shrills here…

Serious explanation:

The noun form of “shrill” has a specific definition, which is a form of sound. Similar to the way some other words function, like the adjective “low” when used in the nominalized form, like saying “it’s truly a new low for the griefer scumbag.” You wouldn’t call a person a “low,” just like you wouldn’t call a person a “shrill,” unless your intent is specifically to be edgy through the misapplication of language.

Just because the dictionary shows that there’s a noun version of a common adjective, doesn’t mean that the word can be used as a noun in any context.


Trying to rewrite the English language… :rofl:

Well spank my ass and call me Nancy, DMC actually laughed at a joke instead of getting offended at it.

Looks like I can finally retire now, bye everyone!


I did Google it.

And there is no usage consistent with what you posted, because you said this:

The definition of shrill is **someone or something** that is loud and high-pitched, or that is loud and forceful, betraying some strong emotion or attitude in an exaggerated amount, as antagonism or defensiveness.

But that definition list is for shrill when used as an adjective, to describe an object or thing - not to define it. Shrill has a different definition when used as a noun. It is, in function, a different word when used as a noun. And it is literally impossible for a person or object to be a shrill. They may be shrill, but not be a shrill, because people and objects are not sounds.

So there is no dictionary that agrees with Dracvlad’s usage. And again, that’s fine, he has acknowledged he is misusing the word for effect. Just stop trying to paint it as correct usage, please. Language gets abused so much already; we don’t need people claiming adjective definitions for nouns to further muddle it all up.

Guys, we have let this thread go off track and we are missing the big picture. Which is that finally, after more than a year of posting on these forums, I have finally been accused of being someone’s alt character. It almost feels like a right of passage. In a way he’s not wrong, I suppose Wes is the alt of 14 other characters I control. I mean none of them ever post and I think 6 of them have never undocked after the NPE, and a quick zkill search will clearly show what my chosen gameplay is, but why let reality ruin the fun.

I wonder who’s alt I am supposed to be? @Scipio_Artelius ? @Destiny_Corrupted ? This is so exciting. Now I just need someone to accuse me of a straw man argument and making an ad hominem attack and my forum triple crown will be complete.


@Wes_Wyhunnan has stupid asinine “points” that are just big;

Furthermore, that putz constantly vomits out;


Good lord, if you’re saying the definition I posted isn’t real then you must be blind and daft.

You keep saying I posted an example and said it was used as a noun when I never said or did that…

I did a google search for the definition of the word, got multiple results for how the word is used and picked the definition I found appropriate for the current situation / usage in this thread.

Then someone decided to say that definition wasn’t valid and that the word was only an adjective.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary verified that the word, depending on how it’s used in a sentence, can also be a Noun or a Verb.

I posted that info simply to show the word is not just an adjective… Nowhere did I link it to the definition I posted earlier. However I did say I’m done messing with all you Shrills…

Now get it through your thick head and stop bothering me about it…

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I’m not sure I’m right here but English is used so much is because it is always changing , every year the Oxford English dictionary release new words and delete old words we no longer use , not sure this is true with other English speaking area’s like American English

Maybe we could have Eve English or the New Eden English dictionary.

What a mishmash that would be hehe ,

You understand how I was using Shrills. As I said it was a joke but is very apt for these forums. I have been using it like that for some time, but they only just picked up on it, which I find truly hilarious.

@Xuxe_Xu Let me repeat myself, ganking is part of this game, the issue is balance, I look at the balance of the game. The only people who may be sociopaths are those that get off on other peoples upset and I refer you to the bonus room issue which CCP acted on it. The mere act of blowing up another persons space ship does not make them sociopaths.

I play on the basis of blowing up other people ships if I define them as an enemy or if they are a threat to me. I like my blowing up to have meaning, it creates a deeper play for me, I do not apply my thinking of how the game should be played to other people as such, unlike others here, no matter how much you want it to be so.

I have opposed gankers in game because I thought and still think that the mechanics are in their favour and it is akin to a turkey shoot, though less so after bumping was adjusted.

The reason for the name I came up with was actually nothing to do with the historical figure of Vlad the impaler, even though I am very aware of him, he defeated the Turks, but also massacred German settlers. The thing is that this type of barbaric act was commonplace in the world at that time.

In regards to the block, I am telling them so that they don’t waste their valuable time replying to me when I have them blocked and don’t read it. I am a caring person after all.

English Language is indeed always changing - but so are most other languages at varying rates - and is quite flexible partly due to that but that is not all… English owes much of it’s useful complexity to absorbing things from other languages almost Borg-like.(especially French and Latin in the past) Interestingly (oh, hush it is so interesting) English is a Germanic language at root, unlike French, Italian, and Spanish, which are Latin-root languages.

The English Language is used so widely in the world atm because humans have always found it useful to use a trade / common language. In different areas and at different times it has been different languages…regardless if it was Ancient Chinese, Akkadian, Aramaic, Greek, Quechua, Latin, French or whatever they were all used by large numbers of people for communication between people/groups. English is that Language right now. Various historical factors have made English what we’re using now.

As the world gets “smaller” humans find it useful to have a tool to communicate, so use of English language increases. At least for now…

People have made up and/or combined many English words to make new words. Some of those die out, some become absorbed into use. One Person alone - William Shakespeare - made up a huge amount of words that are commonly used in English even today. Remember kids; “A noble spirit embiggens the small man.” :slight_smile:

So dracvlad banging together the word “shrill” to use for (what he sees as) shrill shills is fine imo.

Thank you for attending my TED talk, you can wake up now…

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When someone announces to the whole world that they blocked someone else, they 100% didn’t do it, no exceptions.

I blocked Cilla, too much unbridled crazy.

The objective is also to stop them cluttering up the forums with their off-topic personal attack pieces. Someone has to help the forum rules being applied. And there is nothing wrong with telling those people that they are blocked, but you should do it in a place where they will notice it, not in a completely different thread where they have not even posted.

And you think that you happen to be the perfect person for the job?

That is terrifying.

You find it terrifying that someone is gently chiding people who off topic post that they are blocked and I don’t read it. What is terrifying is that you find that terrifying.

As you say ; “Let me repeat myself”

But that’s not so important…what I find more puzzling is how you can support ashats such as these examples of “peaceful” miners/haulers:
Those sort of reactions are so common it’s both fascinating and sad. This is who you have spent so much effort supporting and defending. They don’t deserve it.

Yes you said that about Vlad, I am just pointing out that this type of thing was commonplace in that day and age and for me he was one among many.

I don’t go on those blogs, I find them egofests…

What I will say is that your position about some victims of gankers and their reaction is not much different to people defining all gankers as sociopaths which I refuted above.