GM please close as Dracvlad is being a tool

So hmm… what’s this thread about anywhoo? :thinking:

It was originally titled Ganking, as if we needed another thread about that subject to be blunt. The OP could have asked his question in numerous ganking threads, not sure why he wanted to open a new one.

Another trollish drama magnet discussion.


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TL;DR Dracvlad, being a flawed and imperfect person, incorrectly used the word “shrill” when he meant to use the word “shill”, and has been doing so for a while. When corrected, he desperately tried to cling to being “not wrong” by making up some very implausible story about “using it that way as a joke”.

:rofl: :rofl:

You could do that very easily and to great effect –

– by not posting here anymore.

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You seem upset, calm down hisec moon ninja minor

PS minor as used by many gankers on these forums instead of miner, so I am just copying them, just in case you get confused.

PPS I think:

You should learn to use the block function in the forum, all you have to do is block me, please do.

Just gonna leave this here. I found the image very appropriate. I’m off to engage with more interesting people now. o/


I could not help but think that was in fact a picture of yourself as you did that post, which is why I liked it.

PS You can block me you know?

haha ZINK - Drac sure spun that image back on Xui!


Right?! “I know you are, but what am I?!” is just too stronk!

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lovely pics!

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Ahh thank you

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Dude, I copied what you posted word for word and marked the part of it that wasn’t correct. You took a list of adjectives from and said ‘A shrill is someone or something’ - a phrase that would link to noun definitions - and then pasted the list of adjective definitions. That’s not how definitions work. Your link does not agree with your own post. That’s what you are being called out for - white knighting for Dracvlad by incorrectly applying adjective definitions for noun usage to make him ‘right’, when he isn’t trying to even be right. Dude doesn’t need your help, and you are just doubling down on bad information by continuing to insist the copy-pasted list of adjective definitions is legitimately applied to the noun usage.

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This topic is wild :rofl:

Dracvlad is pretty much the guy sitting on the couch.

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Yeah I almost kind of feel bad for him.

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Good gawd, get this through your frackin thick head.

1st Case situation = I found multiple definitions of the word and posted the one that looked appropriate to how I thought it was being used…

That was it. 1st Case closed.

2nd case situation = Somebody then said that definition wasn’t appropriate because that word is only an adjective. I then looked and saw that the word is also a noun or verb, depending on how it’s used in sentence structure. I then posted that info.

That was it. 2nd Case closed.

Those are 2 separate instances. I never said the definition I posted proved that the word was a noun. Then you come in trying to say the definition I posted was fake so I posted multiple links that contained all kinds of definitions, including the one I posted…

Even after explaining that, you still continue to bug me about it, now sod off with your troll vendetta.


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