Lol so who am i ?? Not a Ganker alt sorry. My main is a wormholer. But i tell ya what. Seeing as you say you can find and decloak people who are cloaked in safe spots. My main is sitting at a safe in amarr in a cloaked rapier. The name of the ship is “Dracvlad is a tool” Find it and i will give you 5k plex. Everyone here can see what i have typed. But to make it so people cant just say "Oh i found your ship but you wouldnt pay i would require a screenshot showing the ship and its name plus corp and alliance ticker. Find it , do it and 5k plex is yours, Will leave him there till DT’
PS Offer is open to all.
PPS Can ISD please close this thread. Tah and TY
So credit to @Destiny_Corrupted and @Gerard_Amatin for looking into this and understanding what I and others have known about for a long long time. Especially to Gerard, you rock.
I will give credit to that smartbomber for using it in this way, clever.
So when Scipio goes off on things, he does not actually know as much as he thinks. And remember it was Scipio who decided that I landed on him and decloaked him, I never said that. Because I was relying on them not cloaking fast enough after logging in which is why I kept quiet about it at the time and just answered to the questions based on locating BM’s three deep.
Look at the shrills gasping at air and trying to explain that place = spot, lmao.
You seem emotional. Thankfully CCP have created the observational array which means I just pop one of these into space and if they are AFK I will get them. I don’t have to go through this level of work now which took a huge amount of effort and observation. But I rather like to think that this tool (me) did something that many players would have no idea how to do and would not have put the effort in either.
I pass through WH space quite often, but I have never lived in a WH, I rather like local to be honest.
While you were right about the mechanics (that it is possible to recreate nearby bookmarks if you know warp speed, start and end of warp), what you missed in 2016 is that the OP was talking about a safe bookmark made between two other bookmarks.
Scipio (and others in that old thread) were right and are right that it’s simply too unlikely to find a cloaked ship in such a safe spot.
Even assuming you know the 3 celestials used to create that safe spot (which is unlikely) and assuming near 0 variation when dropping bookmarks (which isn’t likely either due to start and land variation), the method to create a bookmark 1 between two celestials, then a bookmark 2 between a third celestial and bookmark 1 and then the final safespot as random bookmark 3 between bookmark 1 and 2 simply gives too many options.
Dropping bookmarks each tick in warp in a longish warp can give you between, say, 5 - 20 bookmark options. (Or fewer for really short warps, or more for the 100 AU warps ina slow ship).
Let’s pick 10 possible options for each bookmark for simplicity. When talking about a safe spot that’s 2 bookmarks in, you’re talking about 10^3 = 1000 possible locations to check.
And that assumes you already know exactly which three celestials he used in which order, never drifted slightly off and never warped at range other than 0.
Unfortunately, Drac is too pent up with feelings of his own superiority to be able to step back and see, even after all this time, that the explanation he offered to the OP just didn’t make sense.
Ah well. It certainly has given hours of entertainment (and I’m sure it will again unfortunately).
Yes because I knew the celestials and I knew the approximate location of the person. So tell me again that I was unable to get on the same grid as them? It took a while but I did it.
How did I know their approximate location, easy really, the person was lazy and did not cloak up quickly enough in that initial logon.
Anyway, as I said later in that thread I was actually on grid as he warp in as I had worked it out. Then it was a matter of working out the exact location he warped into and sitting there and waiting for him.
One other thing I should point out, I did this when all ships had the same warp speed.
That is because I am superior to you. You just hide between out of context shite posting and focussed on that.
Shrills, it is a joke.
PS Jayze fitzpatrick. I have you blocked completely and I never read your crap, enjoy wasting your time. I can see you making a post, will be rubbish. Oh look a hidden reply that I will never read, LMFAO.
That was interesting, I saw Destiny making a post, then nothing, Then Jayce started making a post posted it, no sign of Destiny until that point then Destiny starts making a post, hmmmmmmm, obviously…
Being on grid is not the same as uncloaking. How do you know you were on the same grid as him, if he was cloaked?
What? This made no sense. As far as I understand, the dude was cloaked in the spot and sitting still. So why do you now talk about “sitting there and waiting”.
Yeah, I can believe if you managed to get a bookmark on an uncloaked ship, i.e. get on the same grid and slowboat yourself to him. But uncloaking a ship in a safespot using bookmarks, not so much.
Of course it is… Could not be just you being wrong about a word. Kind of supports the notion about you unable to admit being wrong.
I’m glad you care so much about my posting, however this post is not so much to you but to the general forum users. I know that you are a lost cause, so I tend not to talk directly to you. The above post just had some juicy holes to the whole story, that I had to highlight.
The only other possible explanation is that Jayce and Destiny were both using the internet at the SAME time, visting the EXACT SAME website - quite a coincidence!
SORRY TO CORRECT but I just drank like an entire bottle of wine and I have to.
Your hypothetical scenario is basically an equilateral triangle. Let’s try to calculate like the minimum amount of possibilities. Let’s say the first bookmark is made at the halfway point between the two safe spots. This means the final bookmark is made along the triangle’s height, which gives b² = c² - a² possibilities, with a being .5c, so a = 5 and c = 10, which makes b = 8.66. If the first bookmark isn’t made at the halfway point, then there should be more final possibilities during the second bookmark phase, but they should never exceed 10 (as that’s the maximum number available for the longest part of the trip.
So the minimum number would be 3 * 10 * 8.66 = ~260, and the maximum would be somewhere around 300. If you add another level, you multiply by (up to) 20 since you have two possibilities to warp between the two original safe spots which have up to 10 spot possibilities each.