GM please close as Dracvlad is being a tool

Geez Dracvlad, there’s no need to be so sensitive about the situation. I wasn’t trying to hit a nerve and make you feel insecure about your place on the forums. I was just praising your talent for spreading laughter and high spirits on the forum. Every community needs it’s jester, it’s clown, to provide humor and gaiety. And you fill that roll perfectly! There’s no need to throw a tantrum over it - take the compliment!

You are trying too hard, it is rather funny, do continue. I mean all this effort because I laughed at your ninja mining of hisec moons. ROFL

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Destiny is temporarily permablocked for summoning the Darkness.


Oh no, back to only one sentence? :frowning: Are you running out of energy and things to say? I guess soon you will block me for “being boring” now, huh? :wink:

You are boring.

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As an actual practicing psychologist, let me analyze the situation for you:

For one, yes, he did have to add “huge” to his. If I had a belly laugh, he had to have a HUGE belly laugh.

But why did he have a belly laugh in the first place?

Because I hurt him.

You see, if you say something to a toxic narcissist that really bothers them and hurts them, they will say it back to you/use that line on you instantly afterwards. It’s because they are trying to “get rid of” what you said as quickly as possible because they cannot endure the discomfort, and the easiest way in that moment is to give it “back” to you, by saying it to you (plus adding something to it, like “huge”).

And now you see, he mentions blocking me. In reality, he blocks everyone who he feels like he lost to on the forums, anyone he couldn’t get “1 up” on. But to save his ego he will say he only blocked them because they were “boring”. Notice how he says this:

See? He’s painting a narrative here, a fantasy: they were getting too excited, too worked up (because, being so great as he is, that’s the effect Dracvlad has on people! They get so excited to talk to him!), but he was bored with them (of course, because Dracvlad is superior, how can he help but be bored?).

You can tell I’m really hurting Dracvlad cuz he’s already threatening to block me now…


Hurt people, hurt people.
So yes, I agree with you. He had to hurt you back, in a bigger and better fashion.

This thread is gold.

You really are upset.

As for blocking people, people will come at you with personal stuff and the like, fix on one strawman and the like or some other troll tangent. And if they do that it gets boring and a think two weeks cool down would do them good.

Hurt me, lol, I never get hurt by what unimportant and impotent people think or say about me, bored is about the most I can muster.

I missed that, wow comedy gold, you do know that analysing people over the internet like this could get you struck off. You can only define someone’s mental state with a proper consultation.

This line of attack is what people like you always fall back into when they have nothing left, but you do know that the OP has already asked for the thread to be closed. Boring…

Still I did find that this passed the time while I was moving ships around, thanks for that.

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I need pills, can you get me pills?


Exactly. While not all hurt people will hurt people, pretty much all the people who hurt people are hurt people.

Behind all his sneering, arrogant forum bluster, deep inside, Dracvlad is a just a very hurt, very vulnerable boy. We should actually all feel sympathy for him, but because of the way he behaves, it’s very hard for anyone to have any type of empathy towards him, and so he ends up alone and sad. That’s the tragedy of people with his type of personality.

Hey, you don’t have to explain yourself to me, friend. :wink:

I could refer you to a psychiatrist (a person with an MD) who could prescribe you pills, but my interest is first talking to you about why you think you need them in the first place.

People who are confident in their identity, and their self worth don’t feel the need to hurt people who have hurt them. Especially random internet trolls.

But there is this interesting narcissist aspect that you brought up. That they need to be acknowledged in the community as the best.

So I have a question. Do you believe that this could have been a learned response. Taught by parents who shielded their child from the realities of the real world. That their boo-boo isn’t actually the best at everything and that trophies shouldn’t be awarded simply because one exists?

I need Adderall and fluoxetine, don’t ask don’t tell.

I think any kind of environment which promotes the development of a fragile/insecure self-esteem will predispose certain vulnerable individuals to toxic, narcissistic personality problems. Giving people rewards “no matter what” could promote a fragile/insecure self-esteem because the person will know, somewhere deep inside, that the rewards are meaningless and have no value. On the obverse, never receiving any kind of reward or achievement merit could also cause a fragile/insecure self-esteem. So it’s important to strike a balance where there are real winners and losers, but, in the final analysis, everyone gets their “time in the sun” - provided they earn it.

Another, probably more impactful environmental factor on whether or not someone develops this sort of fragile, insecure self-esteem, is early childhood abuse and neglect. This is far beyond the scrop of the forums for me to type up, but due to the impact that early childhood abuse and neglect have on identity formation and survival strategies, it can very much lead to this sort of “toxic, narcissistic” personality type as a defense strategy.

One thing I’d like to impart about toxic, narcissistic personalities - which you can encounter everywhere, there are even several of them on these forums - is that all of their behavior is defensive, even when they seem like they are attacking you or someone else, they are still being defensive. Pretty much 100% of their existence is a gigantic defense mechanism against their own feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. In a Fruedian sense, they are overcompensating.


If that is the case, then I’m kind of proud of managing to do this without even directly insulting him. Apparently making a transcript of a presentation and doubting a DMC statement, classifies as a “disgusting attack”.

I’m glad at least Dracvlad and DMC both can circle jerk each other.

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So, @Dracvlad was defeated by me?

I need opiates.

You do know that Eve is just a game? Next thing I know, you will define me as a Sociopath, then I could be at one with my inner ganker.

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Yes, probably almost all of the people he has on block are people who left him with a feeling of being backed into a corner during an argument sufficiently enough that he could not backpedal, gaslight, or insult his way out of, or people who kept reminding him in some way of the reality that he is not perfect and superior. Because those sorts of things are absolutely unbearable for him - as in, they actually feel like existential threats - he would have no choice but to block them out of defensiveness.

He’s going to block me very soon now. If you watch his replies to me, you can see him getting worked up, and trying to go ‘on the attack’, but that doesn’t work, so he tries to be sarcastic… it won’t be long before he realizes nothing he does can work on me, so he’ll have to block me because my very presence is going to become intolerably threatening to him.