I would like to offer our take on this from a neutral perspective. Our agenda is known, as SICH we are looking into the betterment of human condition in any manner we can. However, Director Adams, even as neutrals, we have been at the receiving end of various insults to our work. Insults that in fact have made us understand the rationale behind Villore Accord’s petition. And one that, quite shockingly, of all the personalities in the bloc you represent, of all people you are one who continues those insults. If anything, this is to demonstrate some perspective. It is not to take any sides, which we do not.
Let’s take things from the beginning, shall we? Semiki solar system is filled with four stations. Two Caldari, owned by Ishukone and Wiyrkomi respectively; one Gallente, and one Republic. So far, two out of the four have been affected by (if we are to take at face value the news that has aroused suspicion) some internal Megacorporation powerplay. Powerplay that extends to affect citizens of all corners of New Eden.
The technology behind the Semiki crisis is quite unknown. The intricacies that are raised have been ones where the mentions of Rogue Drones (if it wasn’t bad enough) mix with potential Drifter and Triglavian influences. This could mark one of the most lethal combinations that we have yet encountered. Now that we have some perspective of the magnitude of the potential threat, what you called “shameful sensationalism”, it is time to review the timeline and facts of the Caldari loyalist bloc into addressing this interstellar crisis.
We begin with the outright favoritism that Ishukone has displayed to allow a dubious (at best) organization that has, time and again, revealed it will partner with entities that pose a great hazard to the well-being of the so-called big four themselves. Then you have I-RED/HECON partnering openly with CODE affiliates, subjects who bear several ties or personal friendships with Angel Cartel operatives and loyalists. You have all the above who promise to safeguard all citizens within the Semiki solar system and solve the crisis. Of course, it’s natural for the whole bloc to display their presence. You wish justice for your megacorporation, and you are willing to do whatever you deem necessary. But how far will things go for you to satisfy playing politics with actually looking out for the best of the cluster? Let’s review this.
Within this context, if you are placed in a position of Duty, your personal opinions on the matter should not be a concern to anyone, yourself included. Upon your decisions and the capacities that you possess, rest the fates of human lives. Yet, personal capacity seems to play a huge role in this openly political and operational decision.
Firstly, your answer gives out that you believe the coalition you have assembled, while partnering with the rest of the Bloc, is one that is more than capable to tame this first of its kind crisis. Secondly, you spin the CONCORD legislation to provide justification to give access to CODE and Angel Cartel affiliates as somehow justified. In the meantime, the upheaval in the wake of Captain Drust’s (i.e. CONCORD) intervention diverted the Semiki situation toward a political charade. A charade which also triggers and reveals a bloc in a non unified manner regarding what to do with CONCORD. So much so that there would be a petition even to CONCORD while the discussions of the committee(between CEP and CONCORD) hadn’t even begun. Thirdly, aside from spinning, you also openly disregard the questionable aspects those of what is now a partner of yours (which is placed to safeguard human lives), who only weeks ago destroyed a scientific citadel. I hope you understand how this reveals your judgement on these matters.
The politics that you espouse make one wonder. Will you even allow for more dubious minds to safeguard citizens of the State and of other nations? Because I can assure you there are brighter minds even to the very lawless periphery regions of New Eden. Will we see Serpentis agents partnering up with you in the future? Why not? You already permit Angels and CODE. It might as well align with your personal opinion, let alone spinning the Law to make it work.
Where does all that leave us? Let’s recap for those with short attention span.
- Favoritism from Ishukone that permits a questionable assembly of parties
- A creation of raised gates and walls that betray naivete (at best) regarding your assembly as being the brightest (as if this is a competition) and whose solutions should gain automatic primacy.
- Understanding and employing the Law as it befits best the interests of promoting your bloc.
Now having examined your behavior, let’s examine the behavior of Villore Accords (GMVA). As you may know, GMVA is a member of Rhea Initiative. However, under that capacity, GMVA is not bound by any means to participate in every activity that Rhea Initiative will undertake. As a truly independent initiative, we in SICH wouldn’t break the sovereignty of either nation. Ours is an effort where we are here to provide the best we can, and the more that work is acknowledged, the more we are bound to contribute. Once known to Director Soter, and despite the lack of national alignment binding GMVA to us I remind you, these tenets impacted their decision to use Rhea Initiative as a vector whereby both Aliastra and Ishukone would benefit from our research. GMVA could have decided to undertake the effort to promote conflict between interests of the Federation and State. They could, according to your rationale of spinning the CONCORD regulation, create an offshoot corporation for the duration of the Semiki Crisis and erect a citadel in Semiki. The same could be done by us as SICH. But both of our organizations, alongside our partners in Rhea Initiative, decided against this, because aiming to create goodwill and a foundation for prospective partnerships, was the goal here. And how were we greeted? With insults. Both in our statement as SICH and now through here, the constant discussion from the Caldari side is focused towards the non-issue of intervention by GMVA. We have publicly shared our information, we have also approached this to defuse tension. We didn’t come and play the self-entitled card. We came in an attempt to help.
Let’s acknowledge that you clearly do not care for SICH nor Rhea Initiative. As an example, your organization just partnered up with known CODE affiliates who destroyed our scientific citadel less than a month ago. What about Villore Accords however? What about whoever else is to provide help? What did you do to raise goodwill? Did you share information that is also important for them to be aware of? Did you try to establish means of communication? Did you reach out? Did you try to reassure those who struggle as best they can to better their homeland and its citizens? Of all the people, you Monsieur, should be aware of what motivates them. Even to this moment, where there are potential terrorist threats elsewhere in the State - terrorists who might as well be partnered with those you allow past the gates - you grandstand with accusations.
No one other than yourself does this. You get into details over the legitimacy of the petition that is entirely a matter of GMVA and the Senate, dictating in accordance with what suits your needs. Instead of trying to address the crisis, your responses raise tension, Monsieur. With the cluster watching this situation, you don’t make a very compelling case. So where does that leave GMVA and others who act? Rightfully trying to do whatever it is they can do. The fact they do it by following Federal protocol is to be commended. Not to be regarded as ‘shameful sensationalism’. As an independent entity, it also makes me sit and wonder. Could you imagine, for argument’s sake, if your bloc behaved in the manner you have shown? What would happen if we reverse the roles and this situation was a Federation issue with Ishukone being involved? Would your bloc accuse Rhea of intervention when, to borrow Commander’s Vero words, there hasn’t been any evidence of that.
I hope that the Semiki Crisis ends harmlessly. I hope with all my will that you manage to tame this beast. I am certain that Director Soter does so as well as well as everyone else watching. To believe that, just because someone suggested that current circumstances and responses echo the events of the Kyonoke outbreak, and to disregard them because of that - it might just as well be self-fulfilling prophecy. This might be a different beast from Kyonoke altogether. We can hope that it is nothing major with no lasting impact. Unless you happen to know something we don't, everything remains a possibility.
I will close by reminding that the pen is mightier than the sword, a cliche coined a long time ago. But you, Monsieur, might have been swinging that sword far too much lately. So much so, the way you handle the pen might make it break. For no matter how eloquently you might edit your words to sound refined to a select audience, there is intent behind those words that betrays the reality behind them. Especially for those of us who can see things just for what they are. I hope we can have a discussion sometime in private, I wouldn’t want us to derail this thread more. Despite the critique posed, the aim is not to harm, but to provide a perspective that perhaps eludes you Director Adams. A perspective which you may not have the luxury right now to possess, given the admitted pressure you find yourself to be in. A perspective which for some just might happen to be inconvenient for them to point out to you.