Goons just gave up

the onanistic warlord

His hand moves briskly.


I’m 14 can anyone explain?

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Sometimes when daddies get bored of mommies and go on the internet…


Actually, PGL and Vily set the victory condition of completely destroying Goons, not Mittens.

If that’s so, when have they set for this to happen by?

In the future, somewhere between 2020 and end of gorona birus ebidemic.

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You know how I HATE…to agree with you…however, this is probably a lot more true than even you can imagine. Mittens has always been just an image. The height he inherited has only eroded to a bump over time. Nothing in the way of the original builders of EVE has ever come from that direction. Destroying things as a prime cause has a particular outcome.

They didn’t say WHEN they would achieve their victory condition, just that it was their victory condition. Its been said a few times on Talking in Stations and I believe PGL even said it once on reddit.

Normally, I’d provide links… but this is a situation where I just don’t care if people believe me or not. It doesn’t matter, they aren’t going to be able to achieve it. I doubt they can even push Goons completely out of Delve.

This is supposed to be the summer war season, so I presume that it isn’t supposed to be more than 3-6 months until Goons is wiped out.

Can we get BoB back?

How would you know if they were back? Most of the nullsec empires aspire to be BoB clones.

shall we all meet in Bei?

I agree. I am just astounded that anyone would set destruction of the Imperium as an achievable victory condition.

If you can dream it, you can achieve it.

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LF Who?

Herzog, I saw your artwork got picked up by the mainstream media. Congrats!

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It is back. Except instead of being Band of Brothers, it’s now Blob of Blue. Much easier to say than the Alliance to End Goonswarm. Although, everytime I call it that, I think back to WCW Uncensored 96.

Someone needs to take that poster and switch out Mittens for Hogan, Brisc for Macho Man, and all the big alliance people for the bad guys…

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More and more imperium citadels die every day…

Boredom is the best defense.