Great job CCP! More Triglavian-like content needed

Well great, the community is headed in a great direction now that we’re pandering content to CODE.

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I wholeheartedly agree.


yeh great code… and now we use rorquals to mine ice, and powerfull code still using ■■■■ shitps to kill new players and make “elite” pvp. Buy Dreds Code. It is time to DeCode. You are cancer for this game nothing more and this all james is just troll who trolled ccp the most. They lost tones of real money because of this guy.

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Personally, I don’t care what CODE. thinks. Let James declare “VICTORY” on his blog all he wants, as long as EvE has fun, rewarding content in PvE and PvP I’ll be content to play for years on end. Not having to listen to them or the people complaining about them is just gravy.

If you can be replaced by bot are you really something bigger than bot?

I’m glad you are asking the real questions here.

Yes, if a bot can do the same thing you can do in the game you are not something bigger than a bot. In a lot of “professions” in EVE people try to automate as much as possible. They are not bots yet, but they would really really like it if they had to do as little interaction with the client as possible, they aspire to be a bot, hence we call them bot-aspirants. The only reason they don’t bot is because they fear a ban.

I’m talking of course about the miners and mission runners.


… and now we are returning back to Your conversation with Tipa where you were discussing replacing gankers with bots… :thinking:

They just kill miners, they are not suicide ganking.

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Look as hate speech. I hope CCP clos the thread.

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Try reading it again. Properly.

Then you’ll see that it’s not me who uses hate speech,
it’s me pointing out who is actually spreading hate-speech around here.

Here, read it properly:

Again. Unreasonable, irrational hate embedded into a generalisation about a whole group of people.

“Every suicide ganker is evil.”
That’s your narrative.

To make sure everyone’s well aware of the meaning of this, let me remind you that such generalisations can and will happen in various forms, in such minds, because that’s how the mind of the person works. It’s irrational hate against someone or a group of someones that did something that affected the person. Other common thoughts in that direction are:

Every black man is a drug dealer, or thief.
Every mexican man steals an USAmerican’s job.
Every polish man is a thief. (used in germany and surrounding)
All whites are racist and white men are worse.
All jews are rich.

All gankers are evil.

So …

What does that tell us about you, DMC?

Edit: ISD, my post does not violate any rules. It points at an actual problem on this forum, which should not longer be tolerated. It’s unneceesary, irrational hate against a group of people who just play the game. They’re a minority and their impact is continuously irrationally exaggerated. None of this hate ever is true about all of them, often not even one of them, yet all of us are treated exactly the same.

It’s always the same.

It’s not right.


Wow, you read a lot into that. I guess you’re some type of clairvoyant? :crystal_ball:

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Scroll down, CODE guy answered this

This is the CODE mentality. All miner and mission runners are somehow doing wrong and should be ganked. They claim some moral high ground by making up words such as “bot aspirant”. But the real truth is they are just griefers. Every game that allows open ganking has this sort of player, who only wants to gank easy targets and it’s almost all they do.

The people they target arn’t doing anything wrong. And CODE isn’t doing any service for EVE by killing such players. I’m not saying it’s killing the game or anything. But i get the feeling some players do quit because of their pointless slaughter of players who thought they were safe enough because it is high security space.

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Now you get it.

We indeed have the moral high ground, but not because we call them bot-aspirants, because we are better people and make highsec a better place.

Hey we are not griefers, we just help those miners become better players. Bot-apirancy has a cure and it comes I’m the form of Void S.

They are sick and misguided. It’s not their fault, it is the fault of other carebears like you who tell them this is OK. That’s why they die. Their blood is on your hands.

CCP looked into this and found no correlation between ganking and players quiting the game. This myth has long been debunked.

If anything we help those people become better miners and even better humans.

Praise James


Heh, that load of RP crap needs to stay in Intergalactic Summit sub-forum.

Don’t have to be clairvoyant to have read posts that claim suicide gankers are sociopaths (or evil) in real life.

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What I wrote is not RP at all. It is all from a player perspective. i guess you don’t really know what RP means.

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Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

Carebears cannot fathom that we actually believe what we do is good for the game.

They think we must be trolling them, so different are our perspectives.


Neither are they. Don’t get me wrong, if they ever gank me I’ll sure as hell be grumpy about it afterward, but I’ll get over the loss and move on with my in-game life because EvE isn’t real life. They’re not destroying a real ship and crew, nor are they actual murderous pirates. They’re playing a game in one of the many ways it is intended to be played, just like people who fly mining barges.

Your baiting isn’t helping, man. Botting is bad, yes, but you’re making the entire miner-ganker rivalry or whatever you want to call it sound a whole lot more dramatic than it actually is and riling people up when it’s only going to make the whole debate worse.

And people making those kinds of claims need to take a chill pill. Being ganked is annoying, yes, but it’s not some heinous crime against civilized society.

It can be really hard to tell with you folks.

Much as I dislike the term “carebear” I think you have a point, and it’s not limited to EvE. There are way too many people in this world who seem to think that if they don’t believe something then clearly nobody else could possibly believe it. I don’t want to go around suicide-ganking people, and my opinion on if it’s good/bad for the game is solidifying into general ambivalence, but I’m perfectly willing to acknowledge that people other than myself can genuinely believe something that I don’t like is good for the game. For that matter, I’m willing to acknowledge that it can be good for the game even if I don’t like it.

Mind you, I expect there are many genuine trolls playing this game who enjoy pissing others off and don’t give a rat’s ass about EvE’s health, but that’s something I can determine by looking at their behavior outside of ganking.


Have a look at the numbers from 2011 and compare to today :wink: