Great ships that don't get used too much

I saw a torpedo phoon video the other day, I’d really like to try it, seems beastly. I see fair amount of aug navys and I think we’ll see more muninns now, post re-balance.

Was it mine? Lol

Navy augs are used in fleets a fair bit. Polarized solo navy augs are fun cause you do 700dps and still retain some tank. Its a good surprise fit.


What was the name of it?

Torpedo Dreams


Yep that’s the one! Loved it dude. I subbed. You’ve inspired me to try something similar.


Harby actually has plenty of PG and CPU. It only lacks if you want to fit a 1600 plate and Heavy Beams. In which case an ANC will do the job nicely.

All you’re asking for is that you don’t have to make fitting sacrifices for an optimal fit…

That isn’t “balance”, balance is when 1 ship type from the 4 different races all have the same capabilities. Which right now Battlecruisers are far from.


My response though was to the guy who thought just because a particular doctrine is used by nul groups it equals - Things are ok and working as intended.

And I my comment is directed at the guy that thinks because he hasn’t seen this or that ship or isn’t clever enough to figure out a use for them, thinks they are broken. It just shows a lack of grasp of the game and a myopic focus on what little bit of Eve you must see.

CCP could make all ships viable overnight- it’s called making their stats identical and the only difference being the physical model displayed…yeah, that’d be just great. False choice.
Because, if you are given an actual choice, people are going to gravitate to what is ‘best’ at the moment. Ship stats are an evolution so some become more or less used over time. That is the nature of one thing being, even slightly, better than another. Since CCP tweaks stats on ships, it’s a dynamic environment where you can expect to have to adapt.
It’s a good thing that some ships are better than others, it’s just up to CCP to keep that list rotating. The day just taking any old ship is as good as taking any other- the game is broken. Might as well just offer a single ship of any given class at that point for all the choice it actually represents.

Short answer- just because you can’t figure out a use for ships doesn’t mean no one else has or does or that they need ‘fixing’.


Interesting theory but there are statistics to show just how wrong you are.

My “grasp” of ship balance is based on research, market trends, Zkill stats, etc. It has nothing to do with whether “I” can use a particular ship in a given role.

And if you believe the only way CCP can fix the imbalance issues is by making everything identical - You have no grasp on the game or how it is played. CCP simply “patch to the meta”, there has been nothing new or interesting happen in subcap ship balance for a few years now - Oh sorry Hacs and Assault Frigates got a 15 second life extender, which may or may not be useful depending on a given situation. All I know about them is that Assault Frigates take 2 or 3 more volleys to die, not tried them on a Hac as having suboptimal resists for all but 15 seconds is not how I like to fit them. The group I belong to did try them out on our Ishtar fit but have since reverted to the T2 damage control after losing more Ishtars in the 2 week test period than in the previous 6 months.

The whole long range, kiting meta needs to go away - We’ve had it for way too long and it is as boring as it can get. This would open up the arena for more ships to be used, the only changes CCP would need to make would be to render the OP kiting meta less viable - Their pisspoor attempt with the recent Ferox nerf shows just how little CCP understand their own game. When a 100 man Ferox fleet can decimate a 100+ man T1 battleship fleet with no losses, there is something wrong with the balance of these ships (the battleships need buffing or the Ferox needs nerfing). I’m not saying the battleships should win, just because they are battleships, only that the battle-cruisers should take losses when both sides have pretty much the same support fleet comp.

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Regarding kiting meta I think tightening the gap in ship speeds within a ship size category is important. Sometimes you look at obvious kiters and obvious brawlers and the speeds are just ridiculously disparate. Ships like machariel and cynabal are faster than cruisers/interceptors

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That is a problem as a whole with any of the Pirate faction ships. They have the bonuses of T2 ships, but without the skill requirements.

t2 ships normally boast more ehp and some other specialised bonuses that set them apart, though pirate ships are stronger in a straight up fight.

You can with effort push a typical t2 ship some pretty extreme places but it’s not easy since they often have too little fitting room for it to work. Things like the dual LSE/XLASB Cerberus were magical but also totally overpowered, a problem in the design stemming from pg requirements on weapons just generally being too poorly thought out.

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Pirate ships were meant to give those without T2 ships a fighting chance against T2s.

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.


Well… I guess it worked

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Then CCP effectively made T1 ships obsolete and thus should remove them at this point.

I mean outside of using them for noobs or training there is no reason to even have them in game anymore.

Scorpion. ECM my ass, that model cries big tackle and/or monstrous tank with blasters (either T2 medium or Faction large ones).

i dont know how much use it gets by the community but i just love the hull.

I don’t use them therefore they must have no value… Congratulations on such a myopic statement :face_with_monocle:

I keep seeing all these non ecm fits for the scorpion and I simulate them. I just dont like them. And I dont like the ecm on it either. I usually stick to my Rook, Kitsune, Navy Griff or just Griffon for ecm. If I maxed my armor/hybrid skills it would probly work much better. And all that tackle you can fit makes me think of a brick enemy fleet anchor. _If_I can get a good armor tank on it.

Quite the opposite, I use T1 ships all the time. But outside of Faction War, you rarely see them used. I am not talking about “T1” pirate frigates, because they are far from T1 ships. They are closer to T1.5 ships.

Caedes. And cruor i guess.