Griefing ruins the game

So this is a tantrum?

I don’t live in wormhole space full time, I much prefer the joy of jump drives, but sure, if I find your hole I’ll seed it and bring in bomber fleets to kill you.

I know I’m far poorer than you - but all I have to risk to destroy all you work to build is a 50m bomber (and perhaps a similarly priced interdictor too). I have little need for isk, and no need to work to gain it, for I have friends who will follow me into combat.

You a stupid huh.

You can’t destroy anything I own in the case of an eviction I literally just throw everything in charons and log them off.

You will get a 700 million astra up well core and that’s it

You actually believed you could get at my assets that’s pretty funny you are pretty stupid

This was fun and it was empty.

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I would never evict you, I would bring in fleets to kill anything valuable you undock.

Sustainable fishing

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That wasn’t even anchored it took less than an hour to destroy we’re talking about a full-scale 72-hour hole control operation now.

Two totally different ball games.

You’re comparing an unanchored upwell structure with an inexperienced pilot compared to now when I have a literal space Fortress, tacticals and the full defense Fleet.

You wont but I welcome you to try.

I don’t need to, other people have it covered.

That’s good because you’d be way out of your league.

Stay where you belong: ganking defenseless miners.

I’m happy you finally admitted your place.

Calm down miner.

Does your mom know you have her credit card? I am honestly concerned for you.


Ok mr. Bonechiller

Looking at your kill board you got excited about a rolling Devoter a few months back. double standards?

Elaborate, how did I get overly excited or even excited at all? @SimpleSimon61

Or does simply killing something in your hole mean you are EXCITED!!!



If all the krabs were this salty in highclass j-space all that peer pressure from my mates to join one of the wormhole eviction corps might be successful.

haha yeah I must be salty if I get frustrated by constantly being outnumbered

I probably create enough salt to satiate the dead sea since I don’t like being outnumbered; its insane!

Thought you said you had a “full defense fleet”.


lol do you even know what that means? @Katya_Itzimaru

Maybe only you can make that. I doubt that’s the highest an individual can make. We only have your anecdotal evidence bruv :smiley:

So he’s lying about the solo eviction. Makes sense :smiley:

It ain’t that hard to figure out bruv. You make like the WHs aren’t mapped ROFL.

How are they hyper casuals when they clearly can be more organized than you and burned your structure? I’d venture a guess your venture didn’t help much huh?

You’re outnumbered by choice and social acumen bruv. Blame yourself :smiley:

LOL, I’m a simple salt miner sir. And you are immaculate in your salt production :smiley:

There is no amount of ISK you can ever make to make up for this L my boy.

Sigh. Sometimes you witness perfection, almost like the birth of a star. I applaud. That was smooth. And so on target. And just chef kiss ROFL.

ROFL. Sir, you are not so smart one. She has just roflcoptered you into the ground and the best part is you are unaware of it :smiley: It was a Master’s class.

There is no difference except that they have friends and you don’t :smiley:

So you can’t read good. Not surprising :smiley:

Truer words never spoken.

Er. I dunno if anyone wants to go in your hole sir. It has obviously been used. A lot.

Exactly. Unsure why he would even give the hole name. Pride goeth before the fall I guess.

So you regularly invite others into your hole? Interesting.

Huh. You like to marathon that hole huh?

Uh. Where would that be exactly? Considering they blapped your structure and your defense fleet did nothing?

Uh. That doesn’t sound healthy sir…

You just explained the definition of salt.

I mean do you? Cause uh, it looks your fleet didn’t do much defending.

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