Griefing ruins the game

Well no, because my Corp isn’t really a corp, it’s just an easy to allow hanger access group.

You know exactly what I mean but you’re being purposely pigheaded.

Are you actually this dumb or you just playing dumb to try and get a response?

What do you mean?

What do I mean?

If I say ‘anyone would hop on the chance to make that isk’
do I mean literally ANY and EVERYONE, or simply most people?

If I say ‘well everyone wants a normal life’
do I mean literally every human being on the planet?

Or are there exceptions to generalizations? There are!
Perhaps if you weren’t so stupid, I wouldn’t have to spell everything out for you.

I feel like your being a little abusive toward me.

Could you please stop?

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No. You set the tone, I responded in kind.

You want to treat me like dog crap, I’ll treat you like dog crap.

It’s not cool to complain about how others have friends, especially in the only game that really rewards strong bonds of friendship and trust.

There’s a difference between playing with friends and being so content starved you mobilize every individual you can to killwhore on a rolling praxis.

stop being disingenuous.

Arcturen, has anyone ever told you, that you have a bad attitude?

No. I’m generally very pleasant. But purposeful idiots like you deserve a firm hand.

No, not at all.

It’s about a shared experience, a chance to bond with peers. A worthy prize is desireable, the end goal, the ecstatic crescendo, but a token rolling ship or hauler is that day-to-day touching of souls that slowly warms the human spirit over years of camaraderie.

If a 200m rolling praxis is a ‘worthy prize’ that says a lot.

I feel bad for you if thats honestly the case.

No, you dolt, the 5b naglfar is the prize, or even the hel or the vendetta at the end of the rainbow.

The praxis is the daily bloodletting that keeps the arm strong and the bonds of friendship exercised ready for the day the whale appears.

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Oh sorry. I didn’t read all your post.

So you’re like the 40th person to comment on this, and to be honest, I really don’t care what you have to say. I’m not reading all your post.

I’m already engaged in enough conversation with others about this.

I and my peers bathe in the blood of your kind and rejoice. It has forged deep and true bonds of trust that I value every day.


Does anyone here actually believe that Arcturen is pleasant?

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right to the personal attacks when you’ve been intellectually pounded into the sand huh?

Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and come and evict me hot stuff?

I’d say there’s a 25% to 40% chance that those rolling praxis are bait or able to tackle and hold. Never not take the bait.

With that said, this “guy” isn’t bright and doesn’t understand that content is content. Calling it griefing that his solo rolling Praxis in a wormhole without any intel and eyes is high grade whining at the least. All he’s done is strip off his clothes and self-painted a bullseye on this chest. He doesn’t know what’s coming for him after going public with this tantrum.

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I’ve been public with ‘tantrums’ since I started in '07.

You are nothing. AMOR is ■■■■. I’ve welcomed you several times to evict me, even when you were in my hole. And no, I don’t use eyes for a 200m praxis because 200m isn’t ■■■■ to me and I have dozens of them in hangar.

Put your money where your mouth is. Come get me. You know where I live. @BoneChilling_Chelien That no one is actually afraid of
bone chilling XD XD
you funny

and you Aiko @Aiko_Danuja

Come get me too, backup your talk.

Already got that covered.

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haha cute. This will be fun. @Jack_Scat

Hey you guys should honestly be thanking me for all this content I’m creating.