Griefing ruins the game

Would you feel better if only 4 people killed you?

And this has nothing to do with “content starved”, this is a sandbox MMO, where everyone is everyone else’s content.


Funny thing: nullseccers often also avoid podding, if the fight happens in heavy tidi and nearby the enemy staging. If you pod your enemy you allow them to reship and rejoin the fight much faster.

Glad to see content creators on the forms. Thanks for putting the guides together.

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Thankee for weighing in. Also I’d like to point out the OP plays solo, which is fine, but refuses to accept the consequences of said action. Kudos for using the mega.

Yesm her guides are very useful.

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Ugh you do realise you are probably being farmed for intelligence about your WH, right? You are even posting screenshots for everyone to see. Wise up.

Someone: “Hey, I know your EVE account password, it’s 1234”.
You: “Hahahah you are so dumb, my password is not 1234, it’s 5678, I can prove it to you, look, hahahah”

As for your OP, you joined a PVP game. It’s not griefing if you engage in PVP and lose, regardless of the numbers of people involved from each side.

I think what’s more funny is he’s so insignificant that people simply don’t care haha. He’s just alone in his hole, playing with himself.

20 hours to get full payback? If only.

What on earth are you doing undocking in an unarmed 200m ISK ship ? Heck, I thought I was crazy moving an unarmed Catalyst ( a mere 1m ISK ) two systems to my home base to fit out…but that was a risk worth taking. But to undock in 200m ISK worth of completely unarmed battleship truly takes the biscuit.

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Exactly. Some weapons are really cheap. Tech 1 Drones are really cheap. Put SOMETHING on the darn thing.


All you need is a bigger sword


I’m completely confused here. So you took an unarmed battleship, into a wormhole? You clearly crossed onto someone’s territory, and are surprised they shot at you?

Wtf? They where supposed to wait for your 14 friends to join you for a “fair fight”? Going unarmed in a battleship, was never going to be a fair fight, but that’s not anyone’s fault but yours. It’s not griefing if you make poor choices, it’s just what you get. It’s well known that fights in EVE are determined before you even undock, and you chose a loosing battle.


I’m completely confused here.

You are completely confused.

You have no idea what you are talking about – and it shows. Stop.

200m? Is that a lot of isk to you?

You must be broke a.f.

Sorry to hear that

‘A lot’ is meaningless. I have billions…some have trillions…some have just millions. But I wouldn’t waste even a 4k Hobgoblin unnecessarily.

How was it (my praxis) wasted unnecessarily?

Yeah idk, buddy. They probably don’t have anything better to do other than whore on your shitty kill at the moment because they live in a wormhole. You understand that, right? Just like how you don’t have anything better to do other than cry on the internet about it.


You mean that they pointed out bringing an unarmed BS into someone else’s hole is a bad idea? :smiley:

So you admit WHs are ISK faucets. Excellent :smiley: I’m sure CCP has seen that too.

You didn’t think before you jumped :smiley:

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the only thing ruining the game, are the whiners, whining about suspected griefing.

You clearly didn’t intend to lose it…or you wouldn’t be here complaining about it. So all I have to do is ask :- Does undocking with no weapons at all make it harder or easier for that ship to be lost ?