I was not going to get into this, but since it relates to another recent decision I’ve made and there’s a thread on the subject that I didn’t start…
First of all, let me clarify that I am a person who forms only personal loyalties. I am not loyal to a brand, or company unless it forms some kind of personal relationship through the expression of its values across my interactions with it.
I used to feel like I knew CCP and had that kind of personal relationship. Like with my friends, I would be variously pleased or displeased by their latest decisions and actions, but I had a solid belief that I knew in general where they are trying to go, even if I don’t like the entire planned route.
Specific changes, then, I tend not to let bother me, or I try to see the bright side of things I otherwise would not care for. After all, those changes were going to be there whether I liked them or not. Might as well use them to my advantage if I can in either case.
What does bother me, though, is what I believe to be a general change in tone that is hard to describe in objective terms. Personalities in CCP that I respect or admire have left the company or fallen silent. For a prominent example, CCP Falcon. I did not like CCP Falcon very much, but he was direct, frank, and to the point. I knew where he stood and he didn’t do doublespeak. I respect this. I have not seen a recent post by CCP Lebowski, who I think did his best to address concerns within his purview quickly.
While I do not particularly dislike CCP Convict or CCP Aurora, I don’t see them as people I know, or as people with their own minds in this context. They are mouthpieces scripted by CCP with little personality of their own that I’ve seen. (I’m sure they are real people outside of this context, but in terms of their job, I get the impression they have little freedom to speak their mind plainly.)
Added to this, CCP has been more secretive of late. Changes come out of left field that neither the general public nor the CSM were aware of. As far as the whole Triglavian saga goes, I admit it is interesting from a certain point of view, but to my knowledge they never offered an objective for capsuleers to fight for. Just a commandment to fight for them and mumble mumble will change. I think people fighting should generally be aware of the stakes, and what they stand to gain or lose without having to guess.
A more minor annoyance is how the game has a cloying feel in its programs. Like it is desparate for my constant attention. Skillpoints every day, campaigns that give prizes that you have to be on top of the game to catch before you miss out. More and more it’s not that I feel like I want to log in, but I’m afraid of what I’ll miss if I don’t. What arbitrary changes CCP might make that will retroactively turn a safe decision into one that might cost me. They have shown me that, as they are now, they are willing to cannibalize anybody not paying attention without taking steps to protect folks from that retroactive penalty. I used to feel that CCP would do right by me whether I was here or not. Not any more.
I know that the EULA I agreed to says CCP can essentially do whatever it wants with whatever space pixels I own. I used to work for someone who correctly pointed out that they are not required by law to give me a break no matter how long my shift is. The lack of a mandate to be a decent person does not excuse a person from the implied obligation to be decent. The legal right to do a thing doesn’t make it the right thing to do. I don’t think that people (or companies) who think otherwise deserve my loyalty.
I believe Eve will survive in some form or another, and that some people will enjoy that form enough to pay for it, but for developer driven narratives, I think I have better options from developers who are more open and honest with their intentions. If NPCs fighting each other is CCP’s new idea of a living universe, I don’t think I want to be a part of it.