Grumble Grumble, P2W, Capital Skill Books, Grumble Grumble

While this is true, that still does not mean that person is smarter then the one who does not. You can have all the isk you want, yet keep losing it as fast as you can undock if you don’t understand the game. The person who does not may be smarter and in the long run, get ahead of the plexer.

But since there seems to be no more long term goals, the point is mote.

I can paint, but I’m no artist! :sob:

5 characters


A new Referral account is issued with 1 Millions Skill Points.

A few packs in the store is not enough to considered pay to win and it is just a boost and most times it is the new pilot who purchases such.

People with friends have an unfair advantage in this game! Grumble grumble!

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The only friend is the one who gives away free stuff?

Hardly, but they seem to go straight to null to bot. That is not considered a new player, just another bot.

Does free isk count as well? :thinking:

IDK I have zero friends.

You would have liked @Complex_Math - but I haven’t seen her in a long time.

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If Eve Online was pay to win then players would be able to buy systems like this one.


Why stop at a Titan how about your very own star system?

I would give you isk, but I know you cant be bought. :rofl:

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I would fold quicker than a house of cards on a windy day.

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I am not a super big fan of plex, but I accept it because it has other advantages -namely, it reduces profitability for RMT’ers (which hopefully reduces botting activity and the inflation they cause), it allows players to pay for Omega, MPTC’s, and NES cosmetic items with isk, and it gives players a good way to store wealth (especially if they go on break). Buying skill books directly from CCP has no such advantages, lessens the efficacy of the skill book isk sink, and reduces plex supply for those who buy it on the in-game market. So, yeah, the player can get the same skills using either method, but they aren’t playing in a vacuum. And the method they use has effects on things like plex prices, money supply, and inflation (not to mention the fact that it’s still ■■■■■■■ pay to win).

Once again, I’m left a little dumbfounded. Not to be insulting, but I guess I’ll break it down barney style. Skills are required to fly ships and use equipment, and they also give in-game bonuses to ship performance. Before you can train a skill, you have to buy it. It used to be that you’d have to grind isk for the skill books and then passively train the skills, but you can now skip that by paying cash directly to CCP. This allows those who pony up cash to progress at a faster rate than those that don’t*, which gives them an advantage.

*Note: Once again, I have no issue with the differences between alpha’s and omegas for the reasons listed in an earlier post from this thread. Also see the first paragraph of this post if your argument is, “yeah, but you could already do that by buying plex.”


Are you buying it? No? Cool, stop getting offended for other people because of the potential that someone else buys a bad deal. The rest of your comment is you just continuing to get offended for other people.

Because there are a lot of…er…Premium Customers™ out there and:

Look at the overall direction things are going…PA didn’t pay 425 millions for ccp to lose money.

Although there will be some amusing kills as people buy their way into ships they don’t know how to use correctly, so that will be interesting to see.

I see no problem with plex. Its a necessary evil shall we say. I always thought skill injectors were the problem. They should limit them to sub caps? Meh…

Difference between 3 different players all singly mining together in an fleet of Orca vs 1 player flying 3 Orca’s are friends as the player who had to grind all those years to buy the books and train the skills etc for their Orca would have friends. Good Friends even and Friends are more important than any pay to win scenario.

Having a pay to win game style is lonely.

Exactly, I’m concerned that CCP is playing just-the-tip with us.


I don’t have much faith either…