That is definitely not true, in uncharted waters online you cannot win if people don’t sell ypu the cash shop stuff and most of the time they don’t. In that game you can buy anti pvp flags, which they should add to this hahah I would love to see the psycos faces when some one popped a anti pvp flag and they couldn’t attack them. Also you can buy 50 percent speed boosts only in the cash shop, as well as items that are 1000s of times better than anything you can make in the game.
So if no one decided to sell the cash shop stuff, guess what you wouldn’t be able to do anything. The pirates would instant kill you taking all your stuff and there would be nothing you could do about it.
Verus this game there is nothing in the cash shop that will make you over powered compared to any one else, and eventually you can lose it. Its obvious to me most of you have never played a pay 2 win game before.
To be honest though I do so enjoy getting people excited about cash shops,especially in whining threads. Eve is so far from pay 2 win I dont even know what it is you guys have to discuss. There is literally nothing pay 2 win about this game.
No matter how much u spend, you aren’t going to be a god. Vs uncharted waters if you spent 1000 in the cash shop you would be a god and no one could touch you lol. This game is about numbers and getting people to work together. Even if you had 100 grand dumped into this cash shop, you would not be soloing full corps of people.
I won’t bust on you about pay 2 win if they start selling cash shop items that u can’t get in the game, that cancel pvp, increase speed by 50 percent, and items that increase your armor and speed by 10x more than you can obtain in game. With cash shop only skill books to use said cash shop items. Then I’ll say yep the games pay 2 win. With cash shop only ships that are not only faster, more hps, and better everything, but they are in gaming bottles.
Which uncharted has, and those people spend 5 grand a week some of them. I’m gonna shoot a wild guess, but within the first year of that game switching owners I bet they trippled the income of eve even tho eve has more players. So they are far from greedy, or guess what we would have all that and more.
The only argument you could have that this game is pay 2 win, is that if you started paying people I dono like liveable wage to do to the t what you wanted them to in game, u would be stomping every one, because no one could compete with a army of paid eve players lol. So that guy who says he makes millions a year but doesn’t buy eve plex cause he buys 500 dollar dice, decides to pay 100 people 20 grand a year to play eve for him.