Attention! CORP-NAME-HERE Gankers corp active in POINEN and nearby systems.
They target every BS or CRUISER doing the EVENT.
I’ve been ganked by 20 Catalysts and lost 2Bil Golem.
What a start!
Attention! CORP-NAME-HERE Gankers corp active in POINEN and nearby systems.
They target every BS or CRUISER doing the EVENT.
I’ve been ganked by 20 Catalysts and lost 2Bil Golem.
What a start!
Calm down miner.
Guardians Gala is actually a ganking event.
Yea, rats tackle you, untill “rescue” arrive
Sounds like some elite pvp… can i get a youtube clip?
I was asleep, I didn’t record. I didn’t see the ganker squad move in the system. I wasn’t sleeping from three days and my eyes just shut down. I was dead center on the beacon, with a Gank member in the system. Next time I opened my eyes I had 19 catalysts on me, 500DPS each. My bastion stopped 5 seconds after they already scrambled me, and I was scrambled by Gala NPC anyway. I knew I was dead. I made to save my Pod. I downgraded all my Golems modules to T2 because I knew it was a risky business using a Marauder, before committing this suicide event mission.
But I was pissed of losing every single Contest by Golems and Vargurs. So I decided to risk.
The first site I went in, I got ganked by 19 Catalysts and the Tengu killed the MTU with the modules.
I can only say that Marauders should get banned from these Events.
They pulled out some 5000 combined DPS, and even if I OH everything, my Shield tank went down in two hits, approx 10 secs and I was in my Pod. A Praxis was on the scene as well and I don’t know if he got ganked too. They didn’t get any fancy module, but I lost a 1.5bil ship.
Marauders should get banned from these events.
I know if I wasn’t asleep I would have had time to warp off as soon as they warped in the system.
I was asleep.
But i’d like to see Marauders get banned anywway.
Or add a warp gate that would require a key to unlock, so it would buy us preys
a little more time, like the Dr WHO events, make them a little harder for gankers?
It’s really too easy for gankers these days to get a kill…
You can get this. This is what I was flying before Marauders kicked in and contested the site.
Obviously THEY Golems and Praxis didn’t get ganked! Probably they did get a sleep as well… unlike me…
I am calm. I was asleep.
I am more pissed with myself than gankers, which
does their job apparently very good
Kudos for sparing my Pod. That was honorable.
Ya know, solo players these days has to pay to play…
Mining is out of question…
I would like to see Marauders banned from running these events anyway.
I’m just too unlucky. That was my first and only try with a Golem and I got killed
on my first and only try without even finishing one… whilst other uses Marauders, they ALWAYS steal my loot, and get out. NEVER seen a Marauder getting ganked whilst I was in my Vexor…
You could have killed the Praxis but no.
You chose me.
Next time kill a Praxis instead, make a service to the community!
You should thank @Cliff_Ozuwara for dunking you.
Lol, I have said anything against Cliff, we had a civilian chat afterwards, that’s it.
The thread moved to Warp gate keys always under Events, if you’d like to partecipate.
I was glad I wasn’t podded!
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