Hard Knocks Inc WH Rental IS A SCAM

EVE is brutal like real life. Would you give somebody in real life billions just like that?
There is nothing wrong with scamming you, EVE is not survival of the dumbest, you deserved it for being dumb. Hopefully you learned something from the school of Hard Knocks.

If there is an easy way to make money, why would anybody do it the hard way? You can’t impose your morality on others.

As sombody else has said; if you don’t like it, hire some muscle to evict them. If you had done so in the first place, would have saved you all the tears.

It is sad when a newbie like @Zaera_Keena has more wisdom than a bear with billions.

My friend she can evict HK from the wormhole for you, the upfront cost for Wormhole evictions is 100 bill. She can also provide protection when her mining schedule allows.

I want to buy a C-1 WH then turn it into a free for all, free PI, free gas, free everything.

Free murder?

And I want to evict you! Is that free to?

Sure, as I said it will be a free for all, me not care I’ve had my pos blown up before in a WH.

You are hardly an upstanding citizen yourself with a negative security status, now are you?

I’d give you 10 bill if I had it , but you would have to love me long time.

@Zaera_Keena If you give me all of your isk I will reward you with my never ending love and admiration :slight_smile:

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ok deal

RMT much? By Plex standards, even with the highest isk per dollar plex pack 9b is $117 ($13 per bil)

Did you seriously just expose yourself for RMT while talking about getting scammed (which also results from your eve inexperience)?

One day I’ll make a list of all the things Aiko say’s she does🙄 as a service.


You sound jealous of all the fun that you can’t participate in. :stuck_out_tongue:



think thats really only the scamming that i can’t participate in and mining , sure she said she was an ice miner at some point

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I’ve been renting from hard knocks for over 6 months and they haven’t scammed me yet already made enough anyways

I actually scammed Hard Knocks, lol, there’s a wormhole connection my system to the neighboring wormhole, and sometimes I slip through and grab a little gas. Haha. They haven’t even noticed.

Coincidentally, the same strategy I employ when I need to release a bit of gas.


So you do that quite often :roll_eyes:

How else do you think gas is found in those wormholes?

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